Speech by Prof Subra Suresh, President and Distinguished University Professor, at the NTU 30th Anniversary Dinner
Speech by
Professor Subra Suresh,
President and Distinguished University Professor,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Friday, 1 July 2022
Dr. Tony Tan, Former President of Singapore,
Minister for Health, Mr Ong Ye Kung,
Distinguished alumnus, Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr
Muhammad Tito Karnavian,
Chair and members of the NTU Board of Trustees,
President Emeritus,
Excellencies, distinguished guests,
Colleagues, students, alumni and friends of NTU,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening. On behalf of the University, I would like to warmly welcome everyone
to this dinner to celebrate NTU’s 30th anniversary.
30 Years of Momentum
Nanyang Technological University was officially inaugurated in 1991, but its story goes
back to 1955 when Nanyang University was established through donations from people from all walks of life. Subsequently, Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) was
set up in 1981 on the same campus, with a charter to train three-quarters of
Singapore's engineers. A decade later, we saw the birth of NTU in its current form,
with the inclusion of the National Institute of Education.
In just 30 years, NTU has gone from a local and predominantly teaching university to
a globally recognised research-intensive institution, viewed alongside international
universities that are centuries old. Today, NTU is renowned locally and internationally
as a young and dynamic institution, which:
− advances the boundaries of human intellect as only a great research-intensive
university can do,
− cultivates and nurtures talent, skills and curiosity through state-of-the-art
educational, pedagogical and life-long learning programmes and approaches,
− serves as a birthplace of scientific discoveries, technological innovation and
creativity; and
− addresses humanity’s most pressing challenges through unique local and
global partnerships with academia, industry and government to benefit
Singapore, the region, and the world
Just in the past few years, several of NTU’s academic and intellectual offerings have
emerged as the best in the world, according to widely-accepted independent
international assessments. It is the only university under fifty years of age that is placed
among the top fifty universities in the world by three major global metrics.
NTU’s journey in just 30 short years and its remarkable current momentum are
palpable. You see it wherever you go: in the academic programmes, in the quality of
student life and experience, in the community spirit to support our students during the
pandemic through the NTU Priorities Fund, and in the innovations that we test here
and send out into the world.
NTU is a pioneer of classroom learning as well as technology-enhanced learning, and
we continue to transform the NTU educational experiences with new programmes,
learning spaces and models that tap advances in the science, art and technology of
learning. This momentum is also reflected in our Interdisciplinary Common Core
curriculum introduced starting last year for all undergraduate students, as part of our
strategic plan, NTU 2025.
NTU also continues to push the frontiers of knowledge and innovation with discoveries
forged from multidisciplinary approaches that address Singapore’s national priorities
as well as challenges facing the planet and its inhabitants.
We collaborate with about 650 academic institutions, government agencies, and
industry partners worldwide, to turn research into action, to translate education and
learning into societal impact, and to bring ideas to reality at scale. Today, we are testbedding a broad range of research solutions and advanced innovations on our 200-
hectare Smart Campus in ways that few universities anywhere else on the planet are
able to do. An example of this bold ambition is the Sustainability Manifesto developed
by the NTU community last year to chart actionable pathways in our commitment to
environmental sustainability.
30th anniversary celebrations
We began our 30th anniversary celebrations last September with the launch of a digital
time capsule that will be opened 20 years from now when NTU celebrates its Golden
The University also launched its 30th Anniversary commemorative exhibition at the
Nanyang Auditorium, and published a book titled Thirty Years of Momentum, 30
Perspectives. The book archives the insights and reflections of individuals who have
been a part of NTU’s transformative journey. It highlights the many achievements of
the OneNTU community. The OneNTU community’s unity and strength were evident during our first We Belong
campaign held earlier this year as part of the 30th Anniversary celebrations. We Belong
comprised three major events: NTU Service Week, Best Foot Forward virtual run, and
Giving Day. The campaign was a success, as we exceeded our goal and raised more
than $1.1 million to support bursaries, the NTU Priorities Fund, School Advancement
Funds, and the NTU Sustainability Fund.
It is wonderful this evening to celebrate this milestone in NTU’s journey among friends:
with our distinguished guests, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and supporters of NTU.
I would like to pay tribute to everyone who has played a part in the University's rapid
progress and growing momentum. NTU’s greatest assets are its people, and our achievements would not exist without the hard work and dedication of faculty and staff,
as well as students and alumni.
I salute you and thank every one of you.
Lastly, NTU’s contribution to Singapore’s economic progress would not have been
possible without the support and trust of all our partners and stakeholders. On behalf
of the University, I thank you for your faith in NTU and its capabilities, and for sharing
a vision of what we could achieve together.
We are all here this evening because of our association with NTU, in one way or
another. I am sure I echo everyone’s sentiment that we are all proud to be associated
with NTU, and proud to be participants in this remarkable journey.
I would like to end by quoting a few thoughts I conveyed in my foreword to the 30th
Anniversary commemorative book: 30 years of MomeNTUm:
“The history and heritage of NTU tell a most remarkable tale of humanity, philanthropy,
and community. It is a university built on the collective power of people. It proves that
great, seemingly impossible things can be done when everyone comes together to
achieve a common goal.
As we celebrate NTU’s 30th Anniversary, I urge all of you to reflect on the communities
around you and what they mean to you. You build a community, and then it builds
you. It nourishes you with friendships and purpose. This is how greatness is achieved
– not by individual effort, but by the collective strength and cumulative impact of small victories – as demonstrated by the rich heritage and remarkable accomplishments of
Nanyang Technological University”.
Thank you for coming together to celebrate this special occasion.