Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level

General 'A' Level Entry Requirements

You will be considered based on the following:
  • at least 18 years of age as of 1st January of the year of matriculation or have completed a minimum of 12 years of formal education beginning with Primary 1 or equivalent;
  • three H2 content-based subjects and General Paper (GP) or Knowledge & Inquiry (KI) taken in the same sitting; one H1 content-based subject and Project Work (PW);
  • meet one of the following Mother Tongue Language (MTL) requirement:
    • a minimum of 'S' grade in H1 MTL or General Studies in Chinese or H2 Mother Tongue Language & Literature (MTLL) taken at 'A' level; or
    • pass in MTL ‘B’ syllabus taken at ‘A’ level; or
    • a minimum of D7 in Higher MTL taken at 'O' level; or
    • an MOE-approved MTL-in-lieu; or
    • an MOE-approved MTL-exemption

A Mother Tongue subject (Chinese/Malay/Tamil) taken at a separate sitting of the GCE 'A' level examination is acceptable for purpose of admission.  H1 non-Tamil Indian Language (Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu) or H1 Foreign Language (French, German, Japanese) may be taken in lieu of MTL.

Candidates who do not satisfy the MTL requirement may still submit an application for admissions.  If selected, they will be admitted on a provisional basis.  During their course of study, they will be required to meet the minimum MTL requirement before they are allowed to graduate.

Minimum Subject Requirements
To be eligible for a programme, you need to satisfy its subject requirement. Check the  minimum subject requirements and  'A' level cut-off grades of the programme you wish to apply.

Computation of University Admission Score (UAS)
In computing the University Admission Score (UAS), the University will take into consideration the following:

  • General Paper (GP) or Knowledge & Inquiry (KI)
  • Project Work
  • Best four content-based subjects (i.e. 3 H2 and 1 H1 content-based subjects, of which one must be a contrasting subject. Students may take KI in lieu of GP.  KI is considered a H2 subject and can be considered as a contrasting subject to both Arts and Science.  Students who take KI need not take a H1 content-based subject. Possible subject combinations and subjects to be counted in the UAS are given here.

A H1 subject will be counted as half of a H2 in terms of UAS computation.

MTL may be included in the computation of the UAS. The better of the two scores (i.e. with and without MTL) will be the UAS of the candidate.

SAT is not required for applicants presenting A-level certificates.

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not indicate that the applicant can be admitted as admission to the University is based on open competition.

H3 programmes will not be considered in the computation of the UAS. Candidates who have taken H3 programmes may be considered for admission under  Aptitude-based Admissions (ABA).

Special Medical Conditions to Note
Please read the special medical conditions before selecting the programme you wish to apply.

Aptitude-based Admissions (ABA)  
Aptitude-based Admissions (ABA) take into account students' passions, interests and strengths. Applicants with exceptional talents and/or outstanding achievements beyond schools’ co-curricular activities can be considered, subject to a minimum level of academic competence, for admissions under ABA. 

Please click here to find out more.

Adult Learners Scheme
The Adult Learners Scheme (ALS) is an alternative pathway for working adults to apply for admission into NTU full-time undergraduate programme.

Please click here to find out more.

Revised UAS Computation from AY2026
From AY2026, the following subjects will be taken into consideration for UAS computation:

• 3 H2 content-based subjects
• General Paper (GP)
H1 Mother Tongue Language and/or the fourth H1/H2 content-based subject may be considered if it improves the UAS. 

Note: From AY2026, H2 Knowledge & Inquiry (KI) will no longer be considered in lieu of GP. If offered, H2 KI will be considered as a H2 content-based subject.

Admission Requirement
From AY2026, students will be required to obtain a pass grade in Project Work to be eligible for admission.

You may like to refer to the FAQs for more information. 

Step 1: Submit application form
Application to undergraduate programmes is done online by submitting an electronic application form during application period. You are required to submit only one (1) electronic application form. There is no hard-copy application form.

Implied choice scheme. Applicants choosing any programme with a second major will also be considered for its corresponding programme with no second major, in a manner succeeding any of the 1st to 5th choices if selected in the application form, and if they have not been earlier selected as one of the five choices. For example, an applicant indicated 1st choice Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering with a second major in Food Science & Technology, 2nd choice Mechanical Engineering and no other choices; he will be considered for Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering with a second major in Food Science & Technology, Mechanical Engineering, followed by Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. If the applicant wishes to be considered Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering over Mechanical Engineering, he should therefore indicate Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering as a second choice. To find out more about this scheme, click here.

Your online application has been submitted successfully if

  1. an Application Status Menu showing your application number and summary of application items required to be completed by you is generated, and
  2. an acknowledgment of your application is forwarded to the email address(es) you have provided in the online application form. Please provide a valid email address as you will be notified of your application outcome through email.

Take note of the unique application number assigned to you and keep the acknowledgement message as proof of application.

At the Application Status Menu, proceed to complete the list of other items required. To access the same page later, login via Check Status using your application number and password you created during application. Applicants who wish to apply for Scholarships may do so at this stage.

Applicants selecting Arts (Academic Discipline & Education) and/or Science (Academic Discipline & Education) as one of their choices are also required to submit “MOE’s application form” online. For more information on MOE Teaching Scholarships/Award, please refer to this link.

Please note that your application cannot be processed until the application fee and required supporting documents are received within the stipulated deadlines.


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Step 2: Pay Application Fee                                                                                                   
Application Fee is S$15 for Singapore Citizens/Singapore Permanent Residents and S$25 for International Students. Payment can be made via PayNow/VISA/MasterCard at the Application Status Menu.

Please note that the application fee is non-refundable.

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Step 3: Submit Supporting Documents;
The documents required for submission (if applicable) can be found in the Checklist after application.

If there is/are no link(s) provided for you to upload the relevant documents, this means you are not required to submit any documents for verifications. If we require more information from you, we will contact you via email or your contact number.

You are strongly encouraged to make use of the uploading feature as it saves cost and speeds up the processing of your application.

To upload your documents (if applicable) to the Checklist, please take note of the following:

  • Ensure that the documents are scanned in its original colors and in upright orientation.
  • Ensure that the scanned files are in JPEG or PDF format.
  • Save all pages of the same document to one file and then upload the file to the same location as one item. Each upload should not exceed 5 MB.
  • Ensure that you have selected the right file to the correct location for uploading as no re-uploading is allowed and there will be no option for viewing the uploaded file after uploading.
  • Submission of documents must be completed by the stipulated deadlines. Only complete applications will be processed.
  • You will not need to mail your documents after uploading them. Submission through email is not acceptable.
  • If you encounter any issues uploading your file (s) while using the Internet Explorer browser, you may wish to use other browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari.

Instructions on how to provide shared link of the supporting document for your appeal.

  • Provide only relevant documents that is able to substantiate your appeal.
  • Collate/Scan all pages into 1.pdf file.
  • The name of the file must be your Application Number [e.g. A002XXXXX.pdf]
  • Upload file to Google drive.
  • Set the Privacy Setting: 'Anyone with the link'.
  • Test the link before you paste the shared link in your write-up via the appeal portal.

Important note: No amendments to the shared link provided after submission/closing date of appeal. Do revert the Privacy Setting: "Off" after you have received your appeal outcome or by end of August.  

Art, Design & Media (ADM) Programme Portfolio Submission:
It is compulsory to submit the required materials as determined by the School of Art, Design & Media for admission assessment if Art, Design & Media is one of your programme choices. The  ADM portfolio must be submitted to us by the  stipulated deadline.

Completion of Application for LKCMedicine Programme:
Applicants who have chosen Medicine as their choice will be required to complete their application and upload the additional supporting documents required by the programme at the Application Status Menu (via the Check Status link). (See Step 4 Item 10 below for more information.)

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Step 4: Update/Track Progress of Application
By accessing the Application Status Menu (via the Check Status link),  you can:

  1. Pay your application fee.
  2. Complete the Criminal Records Declaration. (A declaration is also required if you do not have any criminal offences/convictions.)
  3. Access the Checklist for submission of supporting documents (where applicable).
  4. View and check your application fee payment status and supporting documents submission status.
  5. View and make changes to your programme choices before the application closing date.
  6. View your contact information. Please contact us via the enquiry form (quoting your application number) if there is a change in your mailing address, email address and telephone number(s). It is important that you update/inform any changes in your contact information for proper communication with the University.
  7. Update or Submit (if you have not applied earlier) your Aptitude-based Admissions (ABA) application before closing date.
  8. Update or Submit (if you have not applied earlier) scholarship application before closing date.
  9. For applicants who have chosen Arts (Academic Discipline & Education) and/or Science (Academic Discipline & Education) as one of their choices: Submit the online application for teacher form to MOE before closing date.
  10. For applicants who have chosen Medicine as a choice:  Complete application for the LKCMedicine by 
      • Revising/Confirming UCAT Number
      • Revising/Finalising Personal Statement
      • Submitting two online Referee Reports             

      -The Online Referee Report is in question-and-answer format. Applicants are required to refer to ‘this instruction’ at ‘Check Status and forward the instructions to the 2 referees to complete the submission online no later than 3 working days after the application closing date. One of the referees must be the Civic Tutor/Form Teacher.
      -Shortlisted applicants are to attend Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) in April.

  11. For applicants who have chosen Renaissance Engineering Programme (REP) as a choice:  Complete application for REP by 
      • Completing the Personal Statement
      • Submitting one online Reference Report   
  12. Check your application outcome/status online.

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Offer and Acceptance
If you are offered admissions, you may proceed to accept and secure your offer via the acceptance portal by the stipulated deadline.

If you are not offered admissions or your choice of programme, you may make an appeal during the online appeal exercise. If successful, proceed to accept the offer with the instruction given.

After Acceptance
If you have accepted the offer and are matriculating in the Academic Year 2024-25, you will receive an email in early June directing you to the Freshmen Portal which contains detailed information on enrolment. Proceed to complete the enrolment procedures as displayed on the NTU Online Acceptance Form.

You are to refer to the detailed instructions and procedures, and make use of the forms provided in the Freshmen Guide.

Note to successful applicants (Singapore Citizens & Singapore Permanent Residents serving         
Full-Time national service) matriculating only after the Academic Year 2024-25:        
If you are matriculating only after Academic Year 2024-25, you will receive an acknowledgement letter in September (of the year of application) for the programme you have accepted.

Keep the letter as proof of acceptance and remember your application number for future correspondence. A confirmation letter will be sent to you subsequently via email in November/December prior to the year of your matriculation. Please contact us via the enquiry form (quoting your application number) if there is a change in your mailing address, email address and telephone number(s).
RNS matriculating in August 2024
You will receive an email pertaining to Health Screening in April 2024. If you are unable to matriculate in AY2024-25, click here to download the Form for Returning National Servicemen, complete and return it to us by the stipulated date.

RNS matriculate in Special Term (May/June)
You will receive an email pertaining to enrolment procedures in March 2024 if you have completed your full-time National Service and wish to matriculate earlier in May/June 2024. You may click on the following for reference:

Admissions StagesEvent ActionsDates / Deadlines
Application for AdmissionOnline ApplicationDay of A-level results release to 19 March 2025
Change of programme choicesby 19 March 2025
Payment of application feeby 24 March 2025
​Criminal Records Declaration
(A declaration is also required if you do not have any criminal offences/convictions.)
by 19 March 2025
Submission of Art, Design & Media (ADM) portfolioby 19 March 2025
MOE's Application Form (only applicable to applicants selecting Arts (Academic Discipline & Education) and/or Science (Academic Discipline & Education) as one of their choices)by 19 March 2025
Submission of Appraisal Form for Aptitude-based Admissions (ABA)by 24 March 2025
Online submission of supporting documentsby 24 March 2025
Submission of REP Online Reference Reportby 24 March 2025
Completion of Application for LKCMedicine programme
  • Update/Submission of Personal Statement by 19 March 2025
  • Submission of two Online Referee Reports by 
    24 March 2025
Scholarship ApplicationOnline Applicationby 19 March 2025
Submission of photograph and appraisal formby 26 March 2025
Offer and AcceptanceOffer/Release of application resultfrom end-March 2025
Acceptance of offer (1st Window)2 January - 23 May 2025
Online appeal of application result

16 May – 1 June 2025
Click here to appeal.

Acceptance of offer (2nd Window)1 June – 16 June 2025
After AcceptanceOnline MatriculationClick here for details
Qualifying English Test (QET)Click here for details
Freshmen Welcome CeremonyClick here for details

For admissions matters and enquiries, please submit using the “Enquire Here” button