Residential Education

What is Residential Education?
A good university experience cannot merely be defined by a rigorous academic stint that focuses mainly on discipline-specific learning. In NTU, learning continues beyond the four walls of the classroom, lecture theatre, and laboratory. For undergraduates living on campus, Residential Education (RE) offers a wealth of learning and activities that are hosted by the halls of residence and available to all hall residents. It is not primarily academic-based or programme-specific, but rather, goes beyond the formal curriculum to develop the holistic individual. RE is instrumental in developing defined generic competencies of students that characterise NTU Education, as manifested by the 3Cs' NTU graduate attributes (Competence, Character and Cognitive Agility).
Background of RE@NTU
NTU has a long and proud tradition in offering a distinctive residential life. Since 1988 when the first 3 Halls of Residence were built (during NTI days), our students have enjoyed campus life, organising and participating in a full spectrum of hall events and activities. In 2018, there were some 14,000 undergraduate students living on campus, comprising a significant proportion of the NTU student population.
RE itself is not new, having begun when Crescent and Pioneer Halls (“CresPion”) opened in 2014, offering students a dynamic and enriching NTU Residential Education through a host of programmes and workshops. RE thus builds on and enhances the residential life that our students have enjoyed since 1988. It is the experience and knowledge gained from living on campus, together with active participation in the programmes offered, that defines RE@NTU.