URECA acronym of Undergraduate Research Experience on CAmpus, is a university wide undergraduate research programme established in 2004 to cultivate a research culture and nurture research capabilities early in undergraduates’ university education.
In this programme undergraduates will gain invaluable hands-on research experience under the mentorship of faculty of their choice in their chosen field of research over a period of 11 months (August to June). The foundations of research experience and practical skills gained through URECA prepares undergraduates for postgraduate research studies or career in research.
Upon successful completion of URECA, undergraduates will receive Academic Credits to fulfil unrestricted electives course, which is part of the NTU General Education Requirement curriculum. In addition, undergraduates will be awarded the URECA certificate of achievement with coveted title of NTU President Research Scholar.
Students’ Experiences
Students’ Testimonials

Michelle Neoh Jin Yee from SSS, Journey from URECA to Postgraduate Research
‘I was in the URECA programme in Year 2 and took up the FYP-URECA in Year 4. I am currently in the PhD (Psychology) programme at NTU. Joining the URECA programme gave me the opportunity to gain first-hand and hands-on experience of the research process and was an important stepping stone to my FYP-URECA.'

Chong Sin Yi from SCBE, IDR-URECA Project
‘As an interdisciplinary research project, IDR-URECA allowed me to explore my interests in molecular biology and nanotechnology. This project met my expectation as it equipped me with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in two disciplines. I also gained insight into the research workplace, which would allow me to have an edge over others in a future research career.'

Lee Ming Yang from ASE, URECA Project
‘I participated in URECA twice and had two vastly different experiences. Looking back, I can say that while every URECA project is a unique experience in itself, all of them have given me valuable insight into the research process and whether research is the right path for me.'

Lim Wu Cong from EEE, FYP-URECA Project
'URECA brings the word “research” closer to undergraduate students like you and me, and widens our horizon. Participating in URECA and FYP-URECA not only expanded the “width” of my knowledge, but also the “depth”.'