Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA)

The PSEA scheme is administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE) which allows students to utilize the funds in their own and/or their siblings' PSEA accounts for the payment of selected fees and costs.

Who is eligible?

Full-time and Part-time undergraduates who have a PSEA account. You may utilize your siblings' PSEA funds for the payment of your tuition fees and miscellaneous fees. To check the amount of available funds in your PSEA, call MOE Autophone System at 6260 0777. 

The PSEA Withdrawal forms provided in this page is for NTU full-time and part-time undergraduates (full qualification).

Disbursement of funds

For students who are using a combination of loans &/or subsidies to settle their MOE subsidised tuition fees, the disbursement sequence is as follows:  
  1. Mendaki Tertiary Tuition fee Subsidies (MTTFS) where applicable.
  2. PSEA funds where applicable.
  3. CPF funds under the CPF Education Loan Scheme where applicable.
  4. Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) where applicable.
  5. Study Loan (SL) where applicable.
  6. Bursary where applicable.
  7. GIRO deduction from students' own account/other account (for those with a GIRO arrangement with NTU to pay their semestral tuition & compulsory miscellaneous fees).

The total disbursements shall not exceed the amount of tuition, compulsory miscellaneous and late fees payable.


For ongoing withdrawal of PSEA fund to pay for BOTH tuition fee & compulsory miscellaneous fees, a Standing Order (SO) has to be established with MOE.

Once the SO is established with MOE, funds equivalent to your total tuition fee & compulsory miscellaneous fees or your available PSEA funds (whichever is lower) will be automatically withdrawn each semester. (Example: If you have $4000 in PSEA funds and your semester's tuition fee & compulsory miscellaneous fees are $3300, a total of $3300 will be withdrawn from the PSEA account).

MOE will inform students of the application outcome. A monthly Transaction Statement will be sent to the account holder if there are PSEA contributions, withdrawal or refund transactions in the previous month.


PSEA Adhoc Application is a One-Time Payment for any one particular semester. One application form is to be submitted for each specific withdrawal.

1.       Payment of Tuition Fees and Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees

  • If you have already established PSEA Standing Order during your polytechnic/university studies, Ad Hoc Withdrawal is not applicable to you. 
  • If you are already on the CPF Education Loan Scheme and applied for adhoc use of the PSEA funds for the payment of your tuition fees, please note that you will incur the CPF withdrawal fee unless you are successful in revoking your CPF Education Loan Scheme before CPF Board carries out the withdrawal for the affected semester. Please consult CPF Board for more details.

       *Click here for the compulsory miscellaneous fees for AY2024-25 (for Singapore Citizens only).

2.       Payment of Compulsory Hostel Fees (applicable only for REP students staying in hostel)

3.       Reimbursement of fees for Enrichment Programme

  • The programme must be approved and endorsed by the university to be relevant to the course the student is pursuing.
  • Submit application and Document Checklist within TWO months from the completion of the programme.

4.       Reimbursement of Compulsory Screening / Vaccination Fees (applicable only to MED students)

  • Submit application within TWO months from the date of screening/vaccination.

      How to apply?

      STANDING ORDER (On-going Withdrawal) 

      Click here for Standing Order online application.
      (Note: For student below 21 years old, please inform your parent to submit your online application on your behalf).

      ADHOC APPLICATION (One-Time Withdrawal)

      Click here for Online Adhoc application.
      Student below 21 year old at the point of submission, please inform your parent to submit your online application on your behalf.
      *If your sibling is 21 years old or above, please provide their email address for authorization.
      *If your sibling is below 21 years old, please provide your parents' email address if this form is not submitted by your parent. MOE will contact your siblings/parent to give the authorization through the email addresses provided.
      *If using more than one siblings' PSEA, please enter the details of the sibling whose PSEA will be deducted first.


      Please note the following:

      Payment of Compulsory Tuition Fees & Miscellaneous Fees OR Compulsory Hostel Fees

      • Indicate in the application form the usage category and exact amount you wish to withdraw. The amount released by MOE will be equivalent to the withdrawal amount you have indicated on the application form OR available fund balance in PSEA account (whichever is lower).
      • Clearly indicate the semester and academic year you are paying for in the application form

      Reimbursement of fees for Enrichment Programme / Compulsory Screening / Vaccination Fees

      • Indicate in the application form the usage category and exact amount to be withdrawn. The amount to be withdrawn must be based on the actual charges/expenses incurred during the programme and must be supported by original receipts/invoices.

      (*for compulsory screening/vaccination fees, indicate "TTF-OTHERS")

      • Submit the required supporting documents as follows:
        Email the receipts/invoices to Ask Finaid indicating your form reference number within 5 working days after you have submitted your PSEA AdHoc Withdrawal application online.

      Application outcome

      If your application is approved, MOE will proceed to release the funds to the university within 4-5 weeks from your application submission date. There will be a delay in the release of funds if your document/information is not complete.

      If your application is not successful, we will inform you via your NTU email to resubmit your application within 2 weeks from your application submission date.  

      MOE will not send you any statement at the point of withdrawal to update you on the amount withdrawn. They will send you a withdrawal statement at the end of the 3rd month after your submission date.

      Before you receive the withdrawal statement, you may call MOE Autophone System at 6260 0777 to check on your fund balance.

      Application Period

      Standing Order (Ongoing withdrawal) and Adhoc Withdrawal (One time withdrawal) for Tuition and/or Miscellaneous Fees

      To Take Effect FromApplication Period​Note
      Se​​mester 1 AY2024-25

      ​​​​1 June 2024 to 31 July 2024

      ​You may apply after the application period indicated on the left. However, please note that the PSEA funds may not be released in time to pay for your tuition/miscellaneous fees by payment due date.

      For overdue payments, a late payment fee is charged by the university.

      Students are advised to pay the outstanding fees first even after they have submitted the PSEA application. Once the PSEA funds are in, the amount withdrawn will be reimbursed to the student.

      Semester 2 AY2024-25

      1 November 2024 to 31 December 2024


      PSEA holders can use their own PSEA funds to repay the principal loan amount of the approved government education loans listed below and any interest charged in respect of the loans after they had left the institution.

      • CPF Education Loan Scheme
      • Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) 
      • Study Loan (SL)
      • Overseas Student Programme (OSP) Loan

      For more information, please visit MOE website at


      To terminate the PSEA Standing Order by submitting an  online application using your SingPass.

      (Student below 21 year old at the point of submission, please inform your parent to submit your online application on your behalf)

      You will receive a letter informing you of the outcome from MOE of your standing order termination within 3 weeks after the form submission.
