CPF Education Loan Scheme

The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Education Loan Scheme is for the payment of MOE subsidized tuition fee for full-time undergraduate programmes.

The scheme does not cover compulsory miscellaneous fees and hostel fee.  Students taking Biomedical Sciences & Chinese Medicine programme will only be covered under the scheme for the first three years of study in NTU. CPF funds cannot be withdrawn for tuition fees that are not subsidized by MOE.

You can use your own, your spouse's or your parents' CPF savings to pay for your tuition fees. The CPF Board will consider the use of sibling's or relative's CPF savings only on a case-by-case basis.

CPF Education Loan Scheme cannot be utilised to finance the tuition fees for Renaissance Engineering Programme (REP) course.

For other financing option, you may consider MOE Tuition Fee Loan.

For students who are using a combination of loans &/or subsidies to settle their MOE subsidised tuition fees, the disbursement sequence is as follows:

    1. Mendaki Tertiary Tuition fee Subsidies (MTTFS)
    2. PSEA funds
    3. CPF funds under the CPF Education Loan Scheme
    4. Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) where applicable
    5. Study Loan (SL)
    6. Bursary
    7. GIRO deduction from students' own account/other account (for those with a GIRO arrangement with NTU to pay their semestral tuition & compulsory miscellaneous fees) 

The total disbursements shall not exceed the amount of tuition, compulsory miscellaneous and late fees payable.

The CPF Board has waived the requirement for Singaporean students to provide a guarantor for new applications received with effect from 1 April 2005. However, the CPF Board reserves the right to require a student to furnish a guarantor acceptable to the Board when it is deemed necessary.

Interest is computed from the time the CPF savings are withdrawn, at the prevailing CPF interest rate. CPF charges a withdrawal administration fee per withdrawal.

    • The repayment can be made in one lump or in monthly instalments over a maximum period of 12 years. For outstanding amounts of up to S$10,000, the minimum repayment per month is S$100.
    • Repayment starts one year after the student graduates or one year after he leaves the programme, whichever is earlier.
    • All repayments must be in cash.
  • For Singaporean and SPR student, login to CPFB | Forms and e-applications,  submit  online application under Use CPF savings for education loan scheme
  • You are required to submit only one application for the whole programme of study. CPF withdrawals will continue until you graduate/cancel/revoke your application. If you do not wish/need to withdraw CPF funds, please remember to cancel/revoke your application to avoid incurring the withdrawal fee.
  • Status of your online requests is available at under "Activities" in CPF Board website.
To take effect fromApplication Period
Semester 1 AY2025-20261 June 2025 to 31 July 2025 (Subject to change)
Semester 2 AY2025-20261 November 2025 to 31 December 2025 (Subject to change)

Application schedule for use of CPF Education Loan Scheme is available here

To cancel your application that is pending processing, visit the Activities page to withdraw the submitted application.

If you wish to revoke the authorisation for use of your CPF savings for education, you may submit your request via the CPFB | Forms and e-applications, under Revoke the use of CPF savings for CPF Education Loan Scheme.

CPF withdrawals will continue until you graduate/cancel/revoke your application. If you do not wish/need to withdraw CPF funds, please remember to cancel/revoke your application to avoid incurring the withdrawal fee. 

More information is available at Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) or FAQs here