
NTU Library offers a wide range of services to support the learning, teaching and research needs of all user groups.


Connect with our librarians for assistance in research or assignments. NTU Library also provides Library Orientation services for new faculty or researchers.


NTU Library provides instructions in information literacy, research skills, copyright awareness and other services to support teaching.


NTU Library provides a variety of services to support researchers and faculty in their research and publishing work, including workshops, resources and advisory services.

For more information on doing research, visit the Research101 LibGuide.

Library Research Services

Research cycle.

  1. Planning

    Support in locating published research, key information about copyright and data management plan writing.


  2. Managing

    Advisory on managing references, data, content and explore digital tools for data analysis and visualisation.


  3. Publishing

    Support in disseminating research to a broader audience; advisory on scholarly publishing such as journal selection, content hosting, DOI minting, open publishing, peer review, and more.

    • Hosting open access journals/conference papers
    • ORCID iD creation and advisory


  4. Impacting

    Advisory in tracking and demonstrating the impact of research within and outside academia.


  5. Archiving

    Advisory and support in the archival and sharing of reports, theses, research papers and research data.

View full document on Library Research Services.

NTU Library membership privileges cover a range of borrowing and access services.


Become a Member

NTU and NIE staff and students are automatically registered as Library members with the staff or matriculation card functioning as library cards. For other types of membership, please view information and application details here.


Borrowing Privileges

The following table shows borrowing privileges at a glance for different groups of members. Click on the links in ‘Details’ to view more.

 Undergraduate StudentsGraduate StudentsAcademic StaffResearch/ MSO and other Staff

External Members
(Alumni, Personal,
Corporate, Staff from
other Tertiary Inst.)

Books (Max. Items)2030404010
Books (Days per loan period)2828842828
Books (Max. loan period in days*)196196420196196
Media (Max. Items)55555
Media (Loan period in days)7777Onsite use only
Document Delivery ServiceYesYesYesYesNo
Interlibrary Loan ServiceFor final-year students onlyYesYesYesNo
Access to Course ReservesYesYesYesOnsite use onlyOnsite use only
Access to e-resourcesOnsite and Remote access as indicated on Collections A to Z ListOnsite and Remote access as indicated on Collections A to Z ListOnsite and Remote access as indicated on Collections A to Z ListOnsite and Remote access as indicated on Collections A to Z List

Onsite access only for Selected Databases



* Items will be automatically renewed based on conditions of renewal



Library Account and Transactions

Members can borrow items from any NTU libraries and manage their loans in their account online. For more information on renewals, returns, recalls, fines, reminders, lost/damaged items or membership cards, click here.


Request for Materials

Members can request for items in the following cases:

  • For items currently on loan, make a reservation
  • For items in the closed stacks, place a request
  • For items to be transferred to another NTU library to be picked up (available for staff and part-time students from NTU/NIE, and members with disabilities only)
  • For books not available at NTU Library, make a recommendation*
  • For books/articles/documents not available at NTU Library, use the Document Delivery or Interlibrary Loan services*

*Read this guide before submitting requests for these services.


Services for Members with Disabilities

In addition to stated membership privileges, members with disabilities will be able to:

  • Appoint someone to borrow items on their behalf (appointed person must be a current member)
  • Request for items (including closed stack items) to be transferred to any other NTU libraries for pick-up
  • Request for assistance to access any libraries

Other related facilities:

  • Height-adjustable tables at Lee Wee Nam Library, Business Library and Chinese Library
  • Magnification TV available at Lee Wee Nam Library

The Library provides NTU Alumni access to various e-resources for personal and non-commercial use. Click here for more information.