Banyan Hall Freshmen Orientation Programme

Banyan Hall Freshmen Orientation Programme 2023

Planet Banyan: The Ultimate Interstellar Showdown


Step into a world of adventure and camaraderie like never before. Join us for an unforgettable experience that will kickstart your journey in Banyan Hall with a bang. Prepare to embark on a thrilling quest in the enchanting realm of Banyan, where four mighty factions—the Thestrals, Elves, Warlocks, and Cyborgs—vie for dominance over this mystical planet.

Why should you join? Because this is not your ordinary orientation. It's a chance to create memories that will last a lifetime, forge lifelong friendships, and embrace the spirit of unity and fun before your university stint begins. You'll be part of an extraordinary adventure where you'll engage in a series of exhilarating games over three action-packed days. These games will test your skills, teamwork, and strategic thinking, as you compete to capture and conquer the captivating planet of Banyan.

Immerse yourself in a world of friendly competition, where the thrill of victory and the joy of camaraderie go hand in hand. Discover your strengths, unleash your potential, and form connections that will accompany you throughout your university journey. From captivating challenges to exciting surprises, the Hall's Orientation promises an experience that transcends the boundaries of a typical orientation program.

Don't miss out on this epic adventure and the opportunity to be part of something truly extraordinary. Join us in this years edition of Banyan Hall Orientation and kickstart your university life with a bang. Register now and get ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime.


Be a Part of Banyan's Legacy - Register for the Ultimate Challenge

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey and become part of a legendary saga? Don't wait any longer. Secure your spot in Banyan Hall's Orientation and unlock a world of excitement, friendship, and boundless possibilities. Register now to join the ranks of the Thestrals, Elves, Warlocks, or Cyborgs as you compete in exhilarating games, conquer the captivating planet of Banyan, and forge lifelong connections. Your epic adventure awaits—don't let this opportunity slip away. Take the first step towards an extraordinary university life and register today. Are you ready to seize the moment? Join us now.

Register Now


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Contact: @banyanTOP


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