2nd Runner-up in Accounting Innovation Challenge 2018

About the Competition: Accounting Innovation Challenge 2018 was organised by the Singapore Accountancy Commission (SAC) and CPA Australia, sponsored by the Big 4 Accountancy Firms. This competition encourages participants to rethink the current accounting practices and propose innovative tech solutions to solve problems plaguing the industry.
Date of the competition: 2 - 22 June 2018
Achievement: 2nd Runner-up
Prize: $2000, with internship opportunities and admission into ACE Bacecamp
REP Students: Foo Maw Qing Melvin, Liew Yi An Jordan and team
Product/Proposal: weFlex
Description: We tackled the problem statement by PricewaterhouseCoopers which challenges participants to harness the opportunities of emerging tech to revolutionize flexible working practices and platforms for the accountants of tomorrow. We proposed and built a web application platform for the team leads to keep track of their auditors’ work progress, breaking the conventional time and location barriers through the use of predictive analytics. This helps to maximise the internal use of human capital within the audit teams while offering greater flexibility for the auditors.