
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering with Second Major in Business (International Trading)

Single Degree with 2nd Major

The International Trading Programme curriculum is designed and refined in continuing consultation with corporate leaders to ensure direct relevance to industry requirements and covers all major trading sectors and the entire trading value chain.

Offered by NTU’s College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS) and Nanyang Business School, The Bachelor of Engineering with a Second Major in Business (EGBM) programme integrates the requirements of both the Engineering and Business majors within the typical candidature of 4 years.

The students in this programme will be trained in NTU’s state-of the-art Finance Lab, which is the largest finance lab in Singapore. Students will be trained in the use of Bloomberg and Reuters-Eikon platforms, which are the two most common platforms used by industry practitioners. Through an industry seminar series, ITP students will learn about current trends, issues and challenges in the international trading area from industry experts, and also network with them.

GCE ‘A’ Level

Pass in H2 Level Mathematics, and

Pass in H2 Level Biology/Chemistry/Computing/Physics

International Baccalaureate

Pass in HL Mathematics, and

Pass in HL Biology/Chemistry/Computer Science/Physics

NUS High School Diploma

Major CAP of 2.0 in Mathematics, and

Major CAP of 2.0 in Biology/Chemistry/Physics

International & Other Qualifications

Pass in Senior High School Level Mathematics, and

Pass in Senior High School Level Biology/Chemistry/Physics

Diploma Holders

Applicants should have a relevant diploma from one of the local polytechnics. Those with a Certificate of Merit, Diploma with Merit or Diploma with Distinction may apply for any programme in NTU.

For the list of acceptable local diplomas and exempted courses, please visit here

Polytechnic Exemptions

 i) 27 AUs of exemptions and they are:

a. Technical Elective 1 (Major Prescribed elective, to be taken from CZ4xxx courses) - 3 AUs

b. Technical Elective 2 (Major Prescribed elective, to be taken from CZ4xxx courses) – 3 AUs

c. GER PE (BM, LA) - 6 AUs

d. Unrestricted electives - 15 AUs

ii) Additional 3 AUs in Technical Elective 3 (Major Prescribed elective, to be taken from CZ4xxx courses) or other relevant courses on a case-by-case basis subject to the students having participated and done well in NTU research or other projects, or with additional Certificate in Mathematics from Diploma-Plus programmes, or having taken and done well in university level courses.

iii) CE1103 Introduction to Computational Thinking and Programming (Core)*#– 3 AUs

* For students who pass the exemption test. More details on this test will be disseminated to eligible students via their NTU email after matriculation.

# Not applicable to all diplomas. Some examples are:

- Diploma in Aerospace Engineering from Temasek Polytechnic

- Diploma in Aerospace Electronics from Temasek Polytechnic

- Diploma in Engineering with Business from Singapore Polytechnic

Course Duration : 4 Years

Kindly view Programme Structure under Our Brochure Here

View Curriculum here

With a comprehensive curriculum in international trading, practical industry-related training, and extensive networking opportunities, ITP students can look forward to exciting and rewarding spectrum of career opportunities available in the entire value chain of the international trading sector.

Excellent opportunities await graduates in economic sectors such as Aerospace Industries,

Banking and Financial Services, Business, Engineering and Design Consultancies, Educational

and Research Institutions as well as Government Agencies, among others.

Our industry-ready graduates are equipped with a strong foundation in the disciplines of

computer engineering and computer science. As a result, they are well-prepared to use their skills to harness technology and continually work towards making breakthroughs that enable people to communicate more seamlessly, manage their environments more effectively and lead more comfortable lives. No matter which industry they are in, our graduates are able to provide innovative solutions.

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