
The application for NTU-H3 Taught Module 2025 is closed. Application for the next batch opens in October 2025.

Do watch the video and look through the relevant information to understand more about NTU-H3 Semiconductor Physics & Devices.


30 Sep - 1 Nov 2024
Application PeriodStudents to apply via the application link
15 Nov 2024Release of
Application Outcome
H3 School Coordinator will inform students of their application outcome
15 - 18 Nov 2024
Appeal PeriodStudents who applied but are unsuccessful in their application can submit an appeal through their H3 School Coordinator
20 Nov 2024Release of Appeal OutcomeH3 School Coordinator to inform students of their appeal outcome
22 Nov 2024Acceptance of OfferStudents offered placement must confirm with their H3 School Coordinator whether they are accepting the offer

Pre-requisite: H2 Physics 

Preclusion: This course cannot be offered together with MOE H3 Physics

SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS & DEVICES is designed to stimulate students’ interest and broaden their educational experience in Science and Engineering. It is intended for students wishing to pursue deeper studies in Physics and Semiconductors. 

Students enrolled in the course will learn the theories and properties of semiconductors, and the physics and operating principles of semiconductor devices. Hands-on laboratory sessions on semiconductor materials and devices will be provided to supplement the learning of the course. Students will also acquire an understanding and appreciation of the evolution of semiconductor technologies and the driving force behind their convergence. 

The course will be conducted through lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions. 

Assessment will be based on the following components: 

  • Laboratory Assignments (Report & Viva) 
  • Two 1-hour Written Mid-Term Tests 
  • One 2.5-hour Written Examination 

The lectures and tutorials for NTU-H3 Semiconductor Physics & Devices will be hosted at Hwa Chong Institution (HCI) while the laboratory sessions will be held at the laboratories within NTU. 

All lectures, tutorials, and laboratory sessions are compulsory. Any absences must be supported with a medical certificate (MC) or an official letter of excuse from the student's school. CCA practices, school events, supplementary and remedial lessons are not valid reasons to request for a leave of absence.

The course fee payable per student after the deduction of the MOE grant is $60. Students will be informed of the payment procedures by their school. 

The application outcome will be released through the H3 School Coordinators.

Students accepting the offer must confirm and submit the completed NTU-H3 Taught Module Consent Form to their H3 School Coordinator by the stipulated deadline.

Students rejecting the offer are to inform their H3 School Coordinator of their decision by the stipulated deadline as well.

Students who wish to withdraw from the NTU-H3 Semiconductor Physics & Devices must complete and submit the MOE H3 Withdrawal Form to their H3 School Coordinator. Please take note of the withdrawal schedule and the corresponding penalty(s). 


1)  When will the application for the NTU-H3 Taught Module open?

The application for the NTU-H3 Taught Module will open in October each year.

2)  Who is eligible to apply for the NTU-H3 Taught Module?

Application is open to JC1 and Year 5 students taking the GCE A-Level curriculum. Do check with your H3 School Coordinator if you meet your school's criteria to be offered an H3 subject.

3)  What are the criteria for selection?

  • Students must offer the corresponding H2 subject, i.e. H2 Physics if applying for NTU-H3 Semiconductor Physics & Devices.
  • Academic merit.
  • School's recommendation. Only students who have received their school's endorsement and recommendation will be considered for selection.

4)  Can I appeal if my application for an NTU-H3 Taught Module is unsuccessful?

You can submit your appeal through your H3 School Coordinator. You need to provide a short justification to support your appeal. Do check with your H3 School Coordinator for more details. NTU will review the appeal and release the appeal outcome through your H3 School Coordinator.

5)  When is the official start of instruction date for the NTU-H3 Taught Module?

Each run of the NTU-H3 Taught Module will typically start in the second week of January. 

6)  When are the lessons for the NTU-H3 Taught Module?

During the application period, please refer to the Module Schedule for the important dates and times. The finalised timetable will be made available to the students in the first week of January via email. Alternatively, the timetable can be retrieved from Resources (Students).

7)  Can I withdraw from an NTU-H3 Taught Module?

Yes, you may withdraw from an NTU-H3 Taught Module. Do consider it carefully before making the decision. If you decide to withdraw, you need to complete and submit the MOE H3 Withdrawal Form to your H3 School Coordinator. Please take note of the withdrawal schedule and the corresponding penalty(s). Once NTU processed your withdrawal, the action is irreversible. 

8)  Who should I contact should I require more information?

Your first point of contact should be your school’s​ H3 School Coordinator. Alternatively, you may email us at [email protected].