Media Art Nexus (MAN)

Media Art Nexus

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View the 360-degree Virtual Reality Exhibition.

Media Art Nexus (MAN)
NTU Community
Digital Art Media
H2100 x L15000 mm

Media Art Nexus or MAN is a community public art project that aims at providing a platform for exhibiting new media digital art created by the multi-disciplinary community of NTU. ​

Through use of the latest multi-media technologies, which are also integrated into the curriculum and will be taught in the School of Art, Design and Media (ADM) class of Associate Professor Ina Conradi, this project aims to explore new terrains to enhance digital interactive media and fine art expressions. Conceived with a vision to showcase interactive artworks, MAN is created to promote interdisciplinary collaborations in art, design, science, medicine and engineering technologies. MAN is a channel for discourse, exchange, participation and novel expression of the NTU community, local and international artists, scientists, researchers, cultural and art institutions. MAN also aims to enhance students' learning experience and vibrancy on campus. 

MAN is the second collaborative interdisciplinary project created by NTU Museum and the School of ADM. The digital artworks exhibited are contributed by the NTU Community.