Complete MLCPS Career Module 


The Margaret Lien Centre for Professional Success (MLCPS) aims to have each NTU student complete their educational journey with a set of moral values and personal skills that would set them apart when they join the workforce and community as contributing citizens of the world. The compulsory core career module offered by MLCPS prepares you to face the working world with confidence.


Having a creative and enterprising mindset can assist students in successfully manoeuvring through the VUCA world. It is crucial for students to nurture certain qualities associated with an enterprising mindset, including embracing uncertainty and change, honing critical thinking skills, and exhibiting a collaborative and adaptable nature. These qualities are vital in helping students to prepare for a rapidly evolving environment. The concept of "designing your work life" can be a valuable tool, inspiring students to explore their career options and possibilities by considering their values, interests, personality traits, and skills (VIPS) through prototype conversations. With more local employers emphasising skills-based hiring and retention, it is essential for students to continuously enhance their proficiency in relevant and sought-after skills to be well-prepared for the future of work.

 By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the professional skills required to prepare for the future workforce. 
  2. Ability to utilise the SODA (Self-Assessment-Explore Options-Set Direction-Take Action) framework and V-I-P-S (Values, Interests, Personality and Skills) to effectively design their work life.
  3. Ability to use imagination, initiative and readiness to undertake new endeavours.
  4. Ability to resolve ethical and workplace-related issues effectively.

Topic 1: Welcoming to the future world
Topic 2: Designing your work life (S-Self Assessment and O – Explore Options)
Topic 3: Developing critical work-life skills
Topic 4: Developing critical workplace skills
Topic 5: Taking action in your career journey (D - Set Direction & A -Take Action)
Topic 6: Developing job search skills

Component Weighting Team/ Individual
Completion of All 6 Online Topics 10% Individual
Prototyping Conversation & Roadmap Action Plan
1.       Prototyping Conversation& reflection
2.       Roadmap Action Plan
VMock-critiqued Resume for Internship  10% Individual
Pitching Solutions  30% Team

  • This is a 12-week learning course. Each face-to-face tutorial class is 1.5 hours.
  • It is a compulsory GER-CORE course worth two Academic Units (2AU).
  • You must pass this course within the allocated semester to graduate.
  • Those who fail to complete the course will be awarded an 'F' grade and must retake the entire course.
  • This course will be made available from

    Start Date: Monday of Week 1          Closing Date: Friday of Week 12.

For any enquiry about the ML0004 Course, please write to [email protected]

This course is a foundation module on essential career preparation skills and a compulsory GER-CORE module worth 1 Academic Unit (AU). This course equips you with practical skills needed in your personal development and job search to help you succeed in a new disruptive workplace. This course is open to all Year ​2 students. 
  1. Future of Work
  2. Career Development & Job Search Strategies
  3. Resume & Cover Letter Writing
  4. Networking Skills
  5. Interview Skills
  6. Navigate the Workplace & Professional Ethics


  1. MCQ Assessments
  2. Skills Profiling Assessment
  3. VMock-critiqued Resume Submission



To pass ML0003, students must complete all MCQ Assessments and requirements, and achieve at least 80% of the total marks by the module's closing deadline.

Students who fail to meet the requirements would be deemed to have failed and a 'Fail' grade will be reflected in the Semester's Transcript. Students will need to re-take the module.

VMock is a 24/7 virtual career assistant with cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to deliver immediate, tailored feedback on your resume and video interviews. You can access the portal via

With VMock, you can anticipate enriching their essential life skills, including:

  1. Self-directed learning
  2. Effective communication and interpersonal engagement

VMOCK SMART Resume and SMART Resume Editor

Emark your journey with VMock! VMock AI engines scan your resume to offer instant and targeted sample suggestions for each bullet. Secure 24x7, real-time guidance from the platform makes your resume stand out and maximises your job search outcomes!

SMART Resume provides instant feedback on resume formatting, content, and the impact your resume will have on a recruiter.

Smart Editor shows you how to construct a resume for the first time using an NTU template or convert an existing copy seamlessly to the available templates.


Resume Optimiser 
Power up your resume

Optimise your resume for any job with intuitive keyword highlighting, skill gap bridging, and ATS compliance checks. Seamlessly edit online with SMART Editor’s real-time feedback.

Wall of Jobs 
First Impressions matter

Personalised job feed aligned with your aspirations. Swipe to apply, use advanced filters, bookmark for later, and set alerts. Diverse job sources for a comprehensive selection.

Navigate your Career Success with VMock