
The NTU 2025 strategic plan details the University's education, research and innovation ambitions and goals for the next five years and the specific actions it will take to achieve them.

Launched in Jan 2021, the plan highlights three major goals for NTU – achieving uniformity of excellence in all activities; growing NTU's national, regional and global impact; and deepening disciplinary strengths while nurturing greater interdisciplinary collaborations that span the entire spectrum of our core activities.


NTU Vision

A great global university founded on science and technology, nurturing leaders and creating societal impact through interdisciplinary education and research

Addressing humanity’s grand challenges

• Mitigating our impact on the environment
• Harnessing the science, art and technology of learning
• Addressing technology's impact on humanity
• Responding to the needs and challenges of healthy living and ageing

Core Pillars

To nurture leaders with character, competence and cognitive agility


• Future-ready graduates
• Beyond grades
• Research immersion
• Lifelong learning
• Future of education
To strengthen deep disciplinary discoveries and high-impact interdisciplinary research


• Catalyse high-impact research
• Integrate research with learning
• Six clusters
To translate knowledge into enterprise that benefits industry and society through partnerships


• Enterprising pathways
• Entrepreneurial mindset
• Maximise impact
• Influence policies
To foster a diverse, inclusive and cohesive community


• Wellbeing
• Diversity
• OneNTU


Enhancing excellence to achieve NTU 2025 goals

Eight key initiatives drawn from the pillars
NTU 2025