PI eligibility on IRB applications

Responsibilities of PIs

PIs have overall responsibility over the conduct of their research involving human subjects. They are to ensure that their study team members, including themselves, have attained the necessary certifications and are properly trained to conduct the research.

In addition, they are to ensure that they, and their study team members, observe all relevant NTU policies governing research, and adhere to applicable regulatory requirements (e.g. PDPA, HBRA) to ensure that the safety and well-being of human subjects are protected. 


All full-time faculty members are eligible to be named as PI on all non-HBRA projects.

  • For HBRA projects, additional training on a HBRA course is required.
Adjunct/ Visiting staff who wish to be named as PI on HBRA/non-HBRA projects, Units (i.e. School/ Institute/ Centre) must endorse the Adjunct/ Visiting staff to be PI, and must take responsibility over the non-faculty staff’s research conduct

By default, non-faculty staff are not allowed to be PIs on IRB application. For non-faculty staff (e.g. research staff or MSOs) to be named as PI on IRB applications; 

  1. the non-faculty staff is to demonstrate a track record in conducting research involving human subjects (e.g. PhD, publications); and
  2. the non-faculty staff’s Unit (i.e. School/ Institute/ Centre) must endorse the named non-faculty staff to be PI, and must take responsibility over the non-faculty staff’s research conduct.
Non-faculty staff without relevant track record should have an experienced investigator assigned as Co-PI. 
Student-led Projects
Students can be named as “Student PI” for student-led projects (e.g. research thesis), but the student’s supervisor must be named in the “PI” section on IRB applications. 