Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs

Welcome to the Office of Academic & Faculty Affairs (AFA)

AFA is headed by the Dean, Academic & Faculty Affairs (Dean, AFA) who is supported by an Associate Dean, an Assistant Dean and the AFA administrative team. Each academic faculty of the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is affiliated with one of the 10 departments helmed by Heads of Departments. The departments help to design and deliver undergraduate, graduate and professional learning courses in programmes related to teacher education, teacher professional development, the different milestone teacher and school leadership programmes and higher degrees offered by the institute and the university.

AFA’s vision is to attract, develop and retain high-quality faculty with the relevant skillsets and competencies to help us achieve our NIE’s strategic vision. Our mission is to bring about holistic faculty development from recruitment to retirement. In this regard, we have articulated a Holistic Faculty Development “4” Life framework in tandem with NIE’s 4 Lives framework outlined in NIE’s strategic vision document. (source: NIE Strategic Vision 2022)

AFA and the 10 departments work closely with both internal (e.g. Human Resource Department) and external (e.g. Ministry of Education) stakeholders in order to fulfil our role successfully. The departments work closely with the Office of Teacher Education & Undergraduate Programmes (TEUP) and Graduate Studies and Professional Learning (GPL), to provide a high quality of teaching and learning excellence with a values-anchored and values-centric approach in order to meet the needs of the Ministry of Education to prepare future-ready school teachers and school leaders, and also that of other stakeholders. Additionally, the departments conduct research both within their domains of disciplinary expertise and with other research centres and the Office of Education Research (OER) within NIE for knowledge creation, innovation and impact and to help inform educational practice and policy.

AFA has also articulated the archetype of the Future-ready faculty in tandem with the goals of preparing future-ready teachers as shown below.

I invite you to visit the websites of the 10 departments to learn more about our faculty expertise, exciting course and programme offerings, teaching and research excellence, student life and accomplishments that have been the driving force behind NIE becoming an Institute of Distinction, leading the future of education locally and on a global platform. We warmly invite you to join us as a faculty member today and to be a part of this world-class league of excellent educators today!


Dean, Academic & Faculty Affairs

Associate Dean, Academic & Faculty Affairs

Assistant Dean, Academic & Faculty Affairs


Our holistic faculty development “4” Life framework encompasses three main components:

1. Faculty Attraction and Recruitment
2. Faculty Development
3.Faculty Engagement, Mentoring and Recognition

Underpinning this framework is the over-arching aim to build a culture of trust and to take care of our faculty well-being career-long or “4” Life through our four strategic goals:

i. Life-Long: Mentoring faculty to achieve career milestones
ii. Life-Deep: Building leadership capabilities for the AGs
iii. Life-Wide: Preparing faculty for multiple roles within the institute and the university
iv. Life-Wise: Ensuring holistic faculty well-being career-long

Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs 
(Room NIE1-04-14 & NIE1-04-16)

Ms Tan Shi Yah, Jocelyn
Assistant Director
[email protected]
(65) 6790 3371

Dr Ao Ran 
[email protected]
(65) 6790 3450

Mr Khong Chee Houe
[email protected]
(65) 6790 3147

Ms Zahra Binte Hassim
[email protected]
(65) 6790 3452

Ms Kamsidah Binte Kamsin
PA to Dean AFA
[email protected]
(65) 6790 3451

Ms Mala Murugiah
Senior Executive
[email protected]
(65) 6790 3559

Ms Foo Tock Lan, Joyce
Support Staff
[email protected]
(65) 6790 3559