ELL Accomplishments

NIE Nexus Award

The NIE Nexus Award accords the highest recognition within the Institute to individuals or teams who have achieved outstanding collaboration in research. The award is to recognise individual or group contributions as well as to foster collaborative synergies and building capacities within NIE, to level up niche areas of research.

YearAward Details
2021ERFP Tier 1 research project titled Leisure Reading in Two Languages: Reading Habits and Preferences of Bilingual Children in Singapore (OER 03/19 SBQ) was awarded the NIE Nexus Team Award. A/P Loh Chin Ee was a Co-Principal Investigator of this research project. 
2020Multimodality Research Interest Group, comprising representatives from the English Language and Literature, Natural Sciences and Science Education, and Humanities and Social Studies Education Academic Groups; Learning Sciences and Innovation centre, and the Office of Education Research was awarded the NIE Nexus Team Award. A/P Victor Lim leads this interest group at NIE.

Nanyang Education Award (College)

The Nanyang Education Award is the highest honour conferred by the University to faculty members in the field of teaching. The Award recognises the dedication and achievements of faculty members who displayed excellent teaching practices and enriched the learning experiences of NTU undergraduates and NIE Trainee Teachers. These award recipients inspire students through their deep passion to teach well and their genuine concern for their students' learning.

YearAward Recipient
2024Dr Chia Ti Yong Alexius
2023Dr Norhaida Aman


Nanyang Education Award (School)

The Nanyang Education Award is the highest honour conferred by the University to faculty members in the field of teaching. The Award recognises the dedication and achievements of faculty members who displayed excellent teaching practices and enriched the learning experiences of NTU undergraduates and NIE Trainee Teachers. These award recipients inspire students through their deep passion to teach well and their genuine concern for their students' learning.

YearAward Recipient
2024A/P Vahid Aryadoust
2023A/P Victor Lim Fei
2019Dr Wong May-Lynn Patricia
2016A/P Csilla Weninger


NIE Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award

The Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes the dedication and achievements of faculty members who display excellent teaching practices and enrich the learning experiences of their students. They inspire students through their passion for teaching and their care for their students' learning.

YearAward Recipients
2023A/P Poon Mui Cheng Angelia, Dr Loh Kok Khiang Jason, Dr Sally Ann Jones, Dr Vahid Aryadoust & Dr Robbie Lee Sabnani
2022A/P Teo Chin Soon Peter, Dr Teo Shi Ling, A/P Victor Lim, Ms Vimala Subramaniam & Dr Chia Ti
Yong Alexius
2021Dr Kiren Kaur, Dr Jo-Ann Shek, Asst/P Geraldine Kwek, Dr Norhaida Aman, A/P Suzanne Choo
Shen Li & Dr Chia Ti Yong Alexius
2020A/P Poon Mui Cheng Angelia, Dr Christine Xavier, Dr Mark Seilhamer & Dr Chia Ti Yong Alexius
2019A/P Loh Chin Ee & Dr Sally Ann Jones
2018Dr Loh Kok Khiang Jason, Dr Anitha Devi Pillai, Asst/P Ruanni Tupas & Dr Wong May-Lynn
2017Dr Linda Hanington, Dr Lim Ching-Tse Donna, Dr Ken Mizusawa & A/P Cheung Yin Ling
2016A/P Hu Guangwei, A/P Csilla Weninger, A/P Suzanne Choo Shen Li & Dr Kiren Kaur

John Cheung Social Media Award

The John Cheung Social Media Award is awarded annually for “Best practice in the use of social media in teaching” to recognise, promote and demonstrate the educational benefits of the appropriate use of Social Media for the enhancement of learning and teaching. It recognises and rewards innovative teaching ideas and accords Faculty who have used such social media tools, platforms or systems effectively to produce exemplary outcomes.

YearAward Recipients
2022A/P Loh Chin Ee
2021A/P Victor Lim Fei
2020Dr Jo-Ann Shek & A/P Vahid Aryadoust
2018A/P Suzanne Choo Shen Li
2017A/P Tang Siu Mei Ramona & Mr Mark Wilkinson
2016A/P Csilla Weninger

NIE Excellence in Service Award (Team)

This award is open to all NIE staff and recognizes the high level of quality service provided by teams. Through their professionalism, commitment and dedication, they go the extra mile to provide excellent service to internal and external stakeholders.

YearAward Recipients
A/P Victor Lim Fei
(for contributions to Archetype of the Future-ready Teacher (Review of V3SK and GTCs)
2022ELL Administrative Team
(Mdm Faridah Bte Taib, Ms Padma d/o Visayakumaran, Mdm Radha Bai d/o Thavarajoo,
Ms Wee Yen Ting, Lynette & Mdm Zabrinah Bte Zaini)
2018Mr Abdur Rahman s/o K A Bahrudeen Shah
(for contributions to NIE Staff Welfare Committee FY2017)
2017Mr Mohamad Fairus Sa'adan
(for contributions to NIE Staff Welfare Committee FY2016)
2016ELL Administrative and Technical Team
(Mr Abdur Rahman s/o K A Bahrudeen Shah, Mr Er Swee Kee Ricky, Mdm Faridah Bte Taib,
Mr Mohamad Fairus Bin Sa'adan, Ms Padma d/o Visayakumaran, Mdm Radha Bai d/o Thavarajoo
& Mdm Zabrinah Bte Zaini)


NIE recipients of the National Day Honours

The National Day Medals are awarded in recognition of their contributions to education in Singapore and their dedicated service to the Institute, the University, and the nation. 

YearAward Recipients
2024Dr Anitha Devi Pillai was awarded the Commendation Medal
2023Dr Alexius Chia was awarded the Commendation Medal
2021A/P Rita Elaine Silver awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze)
2020Prof Christine Goh Chuen Meng awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver)
YearAward Details
ELL's PhD student, Liu Tingting won the Duolingo English Test Doctoral Dissertation Award. Tingting is supervised by A/P Vahid Aryadoust and her PhD dissertation is on “Investigating the test method effect on response processes in L2 listening assessment: Application of sensor technologies and psychometrics”.
Duolingo is an American Educational company focusing on making language education accessible to millions of people. The freemium software offers language courses in over 40 languages on iOS, Android, and PC devices. The Duolingo Dissertation Award was made to support innovation in language testing and research.  
2023Dominic Nah  is the recipient of the Dean’s Commendation for Research award. The Dean’s commendation has been specially instituted to recognize graduate students who have excelled in their research by publishing papers in peer-reviewed international journals during their candidature period in NIE. Dominic's supervisor is A/P Suzanne Choo
2023Zhang Weiyu is the recipient of the Dean’s Commendation for Research award. The Dean’s commendation has been specially instituted to recognize graduate students who have excelled in their research by publishing papers in peer-reviewed international journals during their candidature period in NIE. Weiyu’s supervisor is A/P Cheung Yin Ling.
2023Zhang Hui is the recipient of the Dean’s Commendation for Research award. The Dean’s commendation has been specially instituted to recognize graduate students who have excelled in their research by publishing papers in peer-reviewed international journals during their candidature period in NIE. Zhang Hui’s supervisors are A/P Cheung Yin Ling and Dr Mark Seilhamer.
2023A recent graduate from ELL’s BA in Literature and Education programme, Kelly Sng was one of three winners of the 3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Essays on Singapore and Other Literatures. Kelly won for her essay, “'Mind the Gap': Exploring Hwee Hwee Tan’s Portrayal of Cultural Tensions in a Modern, Globalising World," which was based on her Academic Exercise supervised by A/P Angelia Poon.
2023Dr Chang Qizhong's supervisee Ms. Zoey Chow Zi Hui's paper, titled "Parents' Frequently Asked Grammar Questions", received high commendation in the Education category in the Global Undergraduate Awards 2023. The paper was the culmination of Zoey's URECA research project, and studied parents' behaviour on online English grammar forums.

Former PhD student of ELL/NIE, Dr Wu Ying was awarded the National Social Science Funds of China (NSSFC) (Youth Project) grant for the project "Linguistic Landscape of the Greater Bay Area Urban Cluster: From the Perspective of Language Security". A/P Rita Silver is a Co-Principal Investigator in this project.

The NSSFC is a highly national competitive grant with only 59 recipients in China for 2023. The project is an investigation on the only cross-border urban cluster in Greater Bay Area (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao) across social domains of government, transportation, business centers, educational institutions, and medical institutions. The project involves data of 9 cities in mainland China and 2 cross-border regions of Hong and Macao. 

2023ELL’s PhD graduate, Liu Yanhua, received the inaugural British Association for Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP) Doctoral Studies Award (2023). The award aims to showcase doctoral theses which make a significant contribution to the field of EAP. Yanhua’s thesis is entitled “Investigating Metadiscursive and Visual Features in Three Minute Thesis Presentations”. It examines how linguistic metadiscourse and visual resources are employed in 3MT presentations to guide the non-specialist audience to understand and keep them engaged. Yanhua was supervised by A/P Ramona Tang and A/P Victor Lim Fei.
2022ELL's Master of Arts (by Coursework) student, Qiu Yue was awarded the 'Best Paper Award for Postgraduate Students' at the International Congress on English Language Education and Applied Linguistics (ICELEAL 2022). Qiu Yue’s paper is entitled “Cognitive Load measured by eye tracking in a multimodal listening assessment”. It investigates the differences in cognitive load, as indicated by gaze behaviors measured through eye-tracking, across the four sections of a multimodal academic listening test. Qiu Yue was supervised by A/P Vahid Aryadoust.
2017ELL's Bachelor of Arts (Education) student, Nur Afiqa Binte Suaidi was awarded the ELL Educational Research Best Paper Award for her research paper titled “Community Support for Language Learning: Text types in use”. Afiqa was supervised by A/P Rita Silver
2017ELL’s PhD Student, Bai Shuming, was awarded the International Society of Humor Studies (ISHS) Graduate Student Award. Shuming was supervised by A/P Peter Teo & A/P Nguyen Minh.