Our People

Assoc Prof Csilla Weninger
Head, English Language & Literature
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature

Assoc Prof Victor Lim Fei
Deputy Head (Research), English Language & Literature
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature

Dr Loh Kok Khiang Jason
Deputy Head (Programmes & Teaching), English Language & Literature
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature

Dr Norhaida Bte Aman
Assistant Dean, Diploma, Office of Teacher Education & Undergraduate Programmes
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Language Acquisition, Early Literacy, Grammar, Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Landscapes

Asst Prof Ann Ang Su Lee
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Creative writing as Literature Pedagogy, global Anglophone Writing, Narrative structures, Singapore Literature, The World Novel

Assoc Prof Vahid Aryadoust
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Language Assessment, Neurocognition and comprehension, Eye-tracking, Quantitative data analysis

Dr Chang Qizhong
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Academic Writing, Grammar, Language Variation, Semantics, Singapore English, Syntax

Assoc Prof Cheung Yin Ling
Associate Dean, Outreach & Engagement, Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Academic Writing, Writing Instruction, Writing Teacher Identity

Dr Chia Ti Yong, Alexius
Deputy General Manager, NIE International
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Curriculum implementation and School reform, Literacy, Multi-literacies, Multimodality, Schooling and Gender

Assoc Prof Suzanne Choo Shen Li
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Cosmopolitanism: Philosophy and Educational Implications, English Education and Globalization, Ethics and Ethical Criticism, History of Literature Education, Literature Pedagogy

Asst Prof Colette Shin
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Computer-assisted language learning, Generative AI integration in language education, Instructed second language acquisition, Quantitative research methods in applied linguistics

Prof Goh Chuen Meng Christine
President's Chair in Education (Linguistics & Language Education)
Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Second/bilingual language learning, Metacognition and learning, Cognitive processing in speech and listening, Oracy in educational settings, Language teacher cognition, and Intonation and grammar in spoken discourse

Dr Guo Libo
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Systemic functional linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis, language development, multiliteracies

Assoc Prof Joel Robert Gwynne
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Popular fiction, postfeminism and neoliberalism, visual culture (cinema, television and new media)
Dr Sally Ann Jones
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Children’s literature,Language in cognition and education in multilingual/multicultural contexts,Metacognitive and metalinguistic awareness and transfer of learning,Pedagogies for English language and literature,Semiotics and analysis (multimodal)(critical)(discourse) (literary),Sociology of childhood and the family,Teacher cognition and education

Asst Prof Geraldine Kwek
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Sociophonetic Variation, Phonetics and Phonology, Variation and Change in varieties of English, World Englishes, and Pronunciation Teaching and Learning

Prof Lee Kit Bing, Icy
Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Second language writing and second language teacher education

Dr Lim Ching-Tse Donna
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Assessment and Differentiated Instruction, Curriculum Development, Listening and Speaking, Pedagogy (primary school related or for young learners), Primary School Action Research Projects, and Teaching Reading and Writing

Assoc Prof Victor Lim Fei
Deputy Head (Research), English Language & Literature
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Multimodality in education, with a focus on multimodal literacy, multimodal discourse analysis, and digital learning

Assoc Prof Loh Chin Ee
Associate Dean, Partnerships, Office of Education Research
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Literacy and literature education at the intersection of globalization and equity- with a current focus on reading -school libraries and design of learning environments

Dr Loh Kok Khiang Jason
Deputy Head (Programmes & Teaching), English Language & Literature
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Programme Evaluation, Language curriculum implementation, Curriculum
materials use, and Literacy practices

Prof Low Ee Ling
Dean, Academic & Faculty Affairs
Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
World Englishes, Pronunciation Research and Practice, and Teacher Education

Dr Ken Mizusawa
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Critical Literacy, Drama in Education, Literature Education, Multiliteracies, Playwriting, and Theatre for Young Audiences

Dr Ng Chiew Hong
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Reading/reading comprehension, Pedagogies: Reading comprehension, grammar & oral communication, Teacher cognition

Dr Anitha Devi Pillai
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Writing (academic writing, writing pedagogy, and creative writing) and heritage and community literacy practices

Dr Png Lay Hoon, Jessie
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Reflective Practice, Mentoring, Teaching of English Language skills (Primary and Secondary), in particular reading skills

Dr Poh Soon Koh
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Critical Sociocultural Learning, Cultural Cognition, language teacher education, Language Teaching Methodology, Teaching Learning

Assoc Prof Poon Mui Cheng, Angelia
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Postcolonial literature and theory, Singapore literature, contemporary literature with focus on globalization and transnationalism

Dr Kiren Kaur d/o Ratan Singh
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Assessment literacy, formative assessment practices, oracy development, teaching listening and speaking, metacognition, teaching reading and writing, and differentiated instruction

Dr Willy Ardian Renandya
Adjunct Senior Fellow, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Extensive Listening, Extensive Reading, Language Curriculum Development, Language Proficiency Development and Assessment, and Second language acquisition

Dr Robbie Lee Sabnani
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Speaking and Listening, oracy skills and processes, metacognitive awareness in language learning, teacher beliefs and knowledge and the development of teacher expertise

Dr Mark Fifer Seilhamer
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Language & Identity, Language Ideologies/Attitudes, Language Planning & Policy, Social Positioning

Dr Jo Ann Shek
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Language & literacy teaching, Language policy & implementation, Teaching thinking skills

Ms Shreenjit Kaur d/o Sardul Singh
Email: [email protected]
Teaching Fellow, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature

Assoc Prof Rita Elaine Silver
Director, Education Research Funding Programme Office
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Educational linguistics including classroom discourse in language and literacy classrooms at the primary level, teacher talk and reading comprehension, English-medium instruction and Global Englishes, language policy in Singapore

Asst Prof Jasper Hong Sim
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Child phonological acquisition in first and second languages, bilingualism, language variation and change, and (socio)phonetics

Asst Prof Tan Xing Long, Ian
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Literary theory (with a focus on poststructuralist thought, psychoanalysis and hermeneutics), the poetics of Wallace Stevens, literature and philosophy, contemporary fiction (with an emphasis on Ian McEwan, John Banville and Colum McCann) and recent European film

Assoc Prof Tang Siu Mei, Ramona
Associate Dean, Academic & Faculty Affairs
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Academic Literacies and EAP, Academic Writing, Effective teaching and learning in higher education, Written Discourse Analysis

Assoc Prof Teo Chin Soon, Peter
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Critical Discourse Analysis, Writing Pedagogy, Classroom Discourse Analysis, Critical Literacy

Dr Teo Shi Ling
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Critical discourse analysis, Language & Identity, Language Teacher Identity, Sociolinguistics

Assoc Prof Viniti Vaish
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Bilingualism and biliteracy, cross linguistic transfer in bilinguals, enhancing bilingualism, and measurement of expressive languages in bilinguals through qualitative and quantitative means

Assoc Prof Csilla Weninger
Head, English Language & Literature
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Critical discourse analysis, discourse and ideology, media and multimodal literacy, multimodal and semiotic analysis

Dr Whitehead Richard Angus
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Archival recovery of the immediate social and historical contexts within which William and Catherine Blake lived and worked, early nineteenth century labouring class poetry and roads less hitherto never travelled in Singapore literary studies

Dr Christine Anita Xavier
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Discourse Analysis, Language and Identity, Grammar as Meaning-Making, Pedagogical Grammar

Dr Yeo Kah Sin Dennis
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Research Interests:
Literature Pedagogy, Film Studies, Gothic Studies

Mdm Faridah Bte Taib
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE3-03-01

Ms Padma d/o Visayakumaran
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE3-03-01

Mdm Radha Bai d/o Thavarajoo
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE3-03-01

Ms Wee Yen Ting, Lynette
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE3-03-01

Mdm Zabrinah Bte Zaini
Assistant Manager
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE3-03-174D

Miss Lee Su Xuan Hemera
Research Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE, Block 5

Mr Lin Chong Yann Christian
Research Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE, Block 5
Mr Mohamed Zaheer Bin Mohamed Zain
Research Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE, Block 3

Mr Muhammad Farhann Bin Muhammad Hanafi
Senior Research Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE, Block 3

Miss Premala Benogopan
Research Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE, Block 3

Miss Stephanie Marie Li San Leong
Research Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE, Block 3

Ms Zhu Xuelian
Senior Research Associate
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: NIE, Block 3
Azrifah Binte Zakaria
Azrifah Zakaria is completing her PhD supervised by A/P Vahid Aryadoust. Her thesis combines natural language processing, machine learning and corpus linguistics to examine the ways ‘reading’ has been measured in the Singapore 'O'-level examination. Her research interests in quantitative analyses and assessments were piqued when she worked as a research assistant with the Psychology and Child & Human Development (PCHD) Department at NIE.
Dominic Nah
Dominic Nah is completing his PhD, “Dialogic Ethical Criticism in Practice: Examining Student Receptivity and Resistance to Ethically Oriented Literature Pedagogies in Singapore Secondary Schools”, under the supervision of A/P Suzanne Choo. He has published his research on literature education in peer-reviewed journals such as Changing English, L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, the Australian Journal of English Education, and the Journal of Literary Theory, alongside The Routledge Companion to Literature and Social Justice.
He has also published research in Character and Citizenship Education with Pedagogy, Culture & Society, and worked on Singapore Literature and English Language Theatre, dramaturgy, and World Literature. From 2023 to 2024, he served as the inaugural Research Degree Student Representative in the English Language and Literature (ELL) Academic Group. Since 2023, he has been a member of The Academic Writers’ Space (TAWS).
In his spare time, he dances as a b-boy (or ‘breaker’) and enjoys professional wrestling content.
Farah Fazirah Vierra
Farah Fazirah Vierra is completing her PhD, “Understanding Students’ Truth-Oriented Literacies in a Post-Truth Age”, under the supervision of A/P Suzanne Choo. Her research interests include Literature education, critical literacy, and post-truth. She has contributed a book chapter to the International Federation for the Teaching of English book series, published by Routledge.
Gan Sujia
Gan Sujia is completing her PhD, "Reading Metafictive Children's Novels in a Virtual Book Club", under the supervision of A/P Loh Chin Ee. Her research interest lies in children’s literature, and she is especially interested in metafiction and what the experimental genre affords. For her PhD research, Sujia is currently investigating how children respond to metafictive children’s novels in book club settings. Her research project also further explores how metafiction can potentially encourage the development of global competencies in students as they read and respond to these complex texts. In her spare time, she enjoys taking armchair expeditions, textually or visually.

Qisi Guo is completing her PhD under the supervision of A/P Csilla Weninger. Her research interests lie in Critical Literacy and ELT materials development. Her thesis investigates integrating critical literacy into EFL teachers’ practices through digital multimodal materials development in Chinese higher education. For leisure, she enjoys swimming and hiking.
Edmen Leong
Edmen is completing his PhD, “Understanding reading motivation for learners with dyslexia” under the supervision of A/P Loh Chin Ee. His research interests in specific learning differences and reading are fuelled by his role as Director of Specialised Educational Services at the Dyslexia Association of Singapore and his experience as a foster parent of children with learning differences. Edmen enjoys reading with his children and gardening in his free time.
Lin Ming'En Evangeline
Evangeline Lin is completing her PhD tentatively entitled, "Development, education, and social justice: The sociolinguistic realities of English in the lives of the less privileged in Cambodia", under the supervision of A/P Rita Elaine Silver and Dr Mark Fifer Seilhamer. Her research interests are in world Englishes and sociolinguistic issues. She enjoys playing ice hockey, piano, violin, and sitting in quiet green pastures or by the seaside.
Liu Tingting
Liu Tingting is completing her PhD, "Investigating the Test Method Effect on Response Processes in L2 Listening Assessment: Application of Biometrics and Psychometrics", under the supervision of A/P Vahid Aryadoust. Her research interests are in language learning and assessment. She has published her studies in journals such as Language Testing, and Studies in Language Assessment.
Ow Yeong Wai Kit
Ow Yeong Wai Kit is completing his PhD, “Learning by Heart: The Art and Science of the Memorised Poem in English in Singapore Classrooms”, under the supervision of A/P Angelia Poon. His research interests include the science of learning, literature education, and modern poetry. As an English/Literature teacher with an MA (distinction) in English from UCL, he has edited four poetry anthologies, and serves as a board member of the Centre for Interfaith Understanding.
Qiao Lingling
Sim Joo Jin
Sim Joo Jin is completing his PhD on promoting grammatical complexity in writing proficiency under the supervision of Assoc Prof Victor Lim Fei. His research interests include cognitive approaches to language acquisition, curriculum development, and technology-enhanced language learning. As Lead Curriculum Resource Development Specialist in the Ministry of Education in Singapore, he led the development of EL instructional materials and digital resources on the Student Learning Space. He enjoys wuxia novels, podcasts on professional wrestling, and video games.
Xu Huimin is completing her PhD under the supervision of A/P Csilla Weninger. Her research focuses on platform culture and media studies, examined through the lens of multimodal critical discourse analysis. Her current PhD thesis explores microcelebrity culture on the Chinese short video platform, Douyin. She has served as the Residential Mentor at Hall 9, NTU, since July 2023. For leisure, she enjoys playing badminton and hiking.
Yin Shihui
Yin Shihui is completing her Ph.D., "Translanguaging Pedagogy in Teaching English: A Case Study of a Middle School Classroom in China", under the supervision of A/P Viniti Vaish. Her research interests are in bilingualism and second language acquisition.
Zhai Jiayu
Zhai Jiayu is completing her PhD on multimodal academic listening from the neurocognitive approach, under the supervision of A/P Vahid Aryadoust. Her research interests are in language learning, listening assessment, and metacognition in L2 listening. She has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Metacognition and Learning, and International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL). For leisure, Jiayu enjoys playing tennis and hiking.
More details

Zhu Xuelian
Zhu Xuelian is completing her PhD under the supervision of A/P Vahid Aryadoust. Xuelian has extensive experience as an English-Chinese interpreter, providing interpreting services for various international conferences. Her experiences in professional practice led her to her current research in using sensor technologies like eye-tracking and Galvanic Skin Response to investigate the cognitive process of translation and interpreting. She served as the Residential mentor of Hall 12, NTU from July 2021 to July 2024. In her spare time, Xuelian enjoys 5-10 km jogging.