Request for Letter of Approval to Work Part-Time (For Full-Time International Graduate Students)

Part-Time Employment Scheme for NIE Full-Time International Graduate Students

*(Not applicable to students on Exchange/ Non-graduating programme)

Part-Time Employment for Full-Time International Graduate Students

International students are not recommended to rely on part-time work to sustain your source of funds during your stay. Doing so is risky as part-time work may not be available whenever needed. If you wish to take up part-time employment to supplement your work experience or pocket money, please note the following:

For matriculated international students (full-time graduate students only)

It is important to take note of the following: 

• You are required to read the Terms and Conditions before putting in an application.
• You are required to apply for endorsement from the Head of Academic Department (AD) and obtain the Letter of Approval from NIE OAAS Student Services Centre (SSC) BEFORE commencement of work.  When writing to AD Head, please include the following points:
    -   Latest GPA
    -   Name of Hiring Company / Project Investigator (PI)
    -   Hiring Company Address / P.I’s department
    -   Work Duration (start date and end date) 
    -   Description of work (project)
    -   Working hours required per week during term time / vacation time
    -   Brief Reasons / Justifications for needing to work part-time
    -   Employment Letter from company / Project Investigator (PI) (to be attached in the email)

• A picture of the Student Pass (STP) front and back is to be attached in the system.
• A fresh application is required for each job. 

   Application procedure: 

  • Students to apply via the Application for Approval to Work Part-Time
    (Login NIE Portal > Student Dashboard > Favourites > E-form)
  • Students must apply for certification letter via
  • Approval for part-time work and certification letter must be obtained BEFORE commencement of work. The application should not be backdated.
  • The processing time is about 7 working days upon receipt of all required documents.  You will be informed by email of the outcome of your application.
  • A fresh application is necessary whenever there is a change of employment.

For International Exchange/ Non-Graduating Students

International students on exchange or in non-graduating programmes are NOT permitted to engage in any part-time work in Singapore.

Please refer to the MOM website for more details for international exchange/ non-graduating students.