Published on 04 Feb 2022

Online Dialogue Session Between the Science of Learning in Education Centre and Republic Polytechnic

On 17 November 2021, the Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC) had an online dialogue session with Republic Polytechnic (RP) staff members over Zoom. The session was hosted by Ms Wah Shih Fen, Assistant Director, Office of Education Research, and the presenters from were Dr Yuvaraj Rajamanickam, SoLEC Research Scientist (RS), Dr Jack Fogarty, SoLEC RS, Dr Jimmy Zhong, SoLEC Research Fellow (RF), Dr Tan Aik Lim, SoLEC RF and Dr Anthony Leow, RP Assistant Director (Capability & Industry).

The SoLEC researchers presented on a variety of topics that covered areas such as AI and Psychophysiology in research. Dr Tan started the session with an overview and introduction of SoLEC’s vision and mission, its three pillars in research, teaching and community, as well as SoLEC’s research objectives. Next, Dr Fogarty presented the “SoLEC Psychophysiology Research Primer”, which was followed by Dr Rajamanickam’s presentation on “Affective Computing in Education Research”. Lastly, Dr Zhong presented on “Levels of Automation (LoA): Important Concepts for AI Tool Design”.

A lively question and answer session followed after the presentations, which saw insightful discussions between the presenters and audience members. Dr Tan elaborated on how the Science of Learning incorporates learning-related studies from academic disciplines beyond the Education Science domain, while Dr Fogarty and Dr Rajamanickam helmed discussions on conducting EEG measurements in learning contexts and possibilities of affective computing extending to students with special educational needs.

The RP staff expressed their main aim of optimising students’ learning, especially with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic—which has led to a lot of self-directed and asynchronous learning—and Dr Leow shared about RP’s interest in topics such as adaptive testing and using AI to help channel appropriate level questions based on students’ learning abilities. Dr Zhong provided his insight on AI in response to this, which elicited further conversations on having SoLEC’s expertise of having science to back up pedagogical models and educational interventions.

The session concluded with discussions on further correspondences between SoLEC and RP.