In recognition of Mr. Edmund William (E.W.) Barker’s contributions to the sports scene in Singapore, The E.W. Barker Professorship was launched by President S.R. Nathan on 27 August 2002.
The E.W. Barker Professorship aims to promote and foster collaborative research among stakeholders - PESS, Sport Singapore, the Singapore Sports School, Singapore Sports Hub, local schools and other universities.
The E.W. Barker Professor will share his or her expertise with athletes, teachers, coaches, and academicians in physical education and sport.
About the Professorship
E.W. Barker Commemorative Book

2019 marked the 15th anniversary of the E.W. Barker Professorship and Scholarship, launched in recognition of the contributions of Mr. E.W. Barker to Singapore's physical education and sports. An E.W. Barker Commemorative Book was launch to chronicles the collective impact of the professorship and scholarship, whilst providing invaluable insights into the sports arena in Singapore through the lenses of the ten former E.W. Barker professors and the past scholars.