Major Core

Note: All HCXXXX courses in Major Core and Major Prescribed Electives (MPE) are taught in Mandarin Chinese unless stated otherwise.

HC1001 Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course introduces you to the understanding of Chinese literature and culture with respect to classical and modern Chinese literary theories, as well as recent western critical theories. Fundamental concepts such as the definition of literature and culture, reader and writer, text and intertextuality, metaphor, point of view, voice, narrative, representation, race, class and gender will be presented. You will be able to employ these concepts in the critical analysis of literary and cultural texts. This is a foundation course for Chinese literary and cultural studies.

HC1002 Introduction to Chinese Language
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course introduces you to a survey of the linguistic discipline via the Chinese Languages. Basic concepts of modern linguistics (such as sound system formation, lexical formation, syntax, semantics, and dialects) will be introduced. You will engage with questions on the nature of the human languages, how it was developed, and its socio-functional with reference to the Chinese Languages. Additionally, principles of Chinese orthography and their effects will also be discussed. This module provides you with the basic linguistic concepts and theories to engage with more advanced linguistics modules in the curriculum.

HC2001 Directed Readings of Literary Works: Pre-Qin, Han, Wei and Jin
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course is a general survey of the literature during the pre-Qin period and Han, Wei and Jin dynasties. The objective of the course is to introduce you to the major genres and themes of the literature of these periods. You will acquire the knowledge and analysis techniques through guided close reading of selected works by major writers.

HC2003 Directed Readings of Literary Works: Tang and Song
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course is a general survey of the literature during the Tang and Song dynasties. The objective of the course is to introduce you to the major genres and themes of the literature of these periods. You will acquire the knowledge through guided close reading of selected works by major writers.

HC2004 Directed Readings of Literary Works: Yuan, Ming and Qing
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course is a general survey of the literature during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The objective of the course is to introduce you to the major genres and themes of the literature of these periods. You will acquire the knowledge through guided close reading of selected works by major writers. The course will also improve your diversity understanding of ancient Chinese, especially in history, culture and literature.

HC2005 General History of China
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course is a general survey of historical changes and continuities in China from the ancient times to the present, focusing on social, political, and cultural developments of different periods, significance of major historical events and figures, and China's relations with foreign civilizations and countries. This course aims to nurture interest in Chinese civilisation and development through enhancing knowledge of various aspects of Chinese history. This is the core subject for the first-year students of Chinese Program. This course provides you with basic background knowledge for Chinese literature, philosophy, and overseas Chinese studies in Chinese Program, and further benefits your work and career in sectors of government, education, and business, etc.

HC2006 Introduction to Chinese History
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs
*This course will replace HC2005 and HC3002 as core requirement for students matriculating in AY23-24 onwards.

This course is a general survey of historical changes and continuities in China from the ancient times to the present, focusing on social, political, cultural, and intellectual developments of different periods. This course aims to nurture the students' interest in Chinese culture through enhancing their understanding of Chinese history. 

HC3001 Modern Chinese Literature
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course is a major core for undergraduates of Chinese Programme. We will survey modern Chinese literature from the May Fourth Movement (early 20th century) to 1949. Through critical reading of literary texts, you will have an in-depth understanding of the literary and aesthetical trend in writing, social and intellectual concerns of the writers, cultural and political contexts of the writers and their works, etc. This course will support you in understanding of the social, political, historical situations as well as the literary production in modern China, which will prepare you for other courses and future career.

HC3002 History of Chinese Thought
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

This course is a survey of Chinese thought from the ancient period to the present. It introduces students to the important figures and ideas associated with traditional schools of thought such as Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. The course also analyzes the impact of Western ideas on Chinese thinking and the responses of Chinese thinkers in the modern and contemporary periods. 

HC3003 Southeast Asian Chinese
Pre-requisite(s): Nil | 3 AUs

The course traces the migration of Chinese to Southeast Asia in the 19th century and examines their relationships and contributions to the hostland and homeland in the 20th century. It seeks to understand how Chinese migrant experiences across Southeast Asia have evolved, and how overseas Chinese identity changed in response to changing socio-economic and political conditions in Southeast Asia and China. Discussion includes such important issues as local anti- Chinese movements, development of Chinese education, changing consciousness and identities, and the relations between Southeast Asian Chinese and China. This course serves as the foundation for future courses on the overseas Chinese. ​​​​

HC4099 Graduation Project
Pre-requisite(s): Refer to this page | 8 AUs

The Final Year Project (FYP) is an eight-month independent research project conducted over qualifying students’ final two semesters. The work is supervised individually by a faculty member, and the final paper is marked by the supervisor and a second, anonymous faculty member. The FYP is an opportunity for students to build on and extend the knowledge they have gained throughout the degree. Students are responsible for crafting their own research questions and, in consultation with a supervisor, they will further develop the critical skills they have practiced across their academic careers. Due to its independent character, students also gain further self-reliance, self-motivation, and self-confidence.​

HC1001 文学与文化导论
选修条件:无 | 3 学分


HC1002 汉语导论
选修条件:无 | 3 学分


HC2001 文学导读:先秦两汉魏晋
选修条件:无 | 3 学分


​​HC2003 文学导读:唐宋

选修条件:无 | 3 学分


HC2004 文学导读:元明清
选修条件:无 | 3 学分


HC2005 中国通史
选修条件:无 | 3 学分


HC2006 中国历史导论
选修条件:无 | 3 学分


HC3001 中国现代文学
选修条件:无 | 3 学分

这门课讲授从1917年的五四新文化运动到1949年中华人民共和国的建立这三十年内的中国文学作品,重点分析十多位文学大师的杰作,包括鲁迅, 老舍,郁达夫,沈从文,张爱玲,钱钟书,巴金的小说,朱自清,冰心,周作人的散文,艾青的新诗,曹禺的戏剧。此外,也会谈到现代中国的历史和社会状况,为理解现代文学提供必要的背景知识。

HC3002 中国思想史
选修条件:无 | 3 学分

本课是中国思想学说的历史研读。 我们将介绍有关中国历史上包括儒家、道家和法家等各个学派的重要人物和其核心思想,并研究各个思想学说发展的政治与社会背景。我们同时也会讨论19 世纪以来传入中国的西方思想及其对华人社会的影响。

HC3003 东南亚华人
选修条件:无 | 3 学分

本课程首先追溯 19 世纪华人往东南亚移民的历史背景,接着检阅 20 世纪东南亚华人经济、文化和政治上的贡献。重要的讨论课题包括排华运动,华文教育的发展,思想意识与身份认同的转变,以及与中国各层面的关系。

HC4099 毕业作业
选修条件: 详见此页 | 8 学分

在中文系指定导师的指导之下,学生将各自独立完成一份 毕业作业 。毕业作业可以从上述任何一个专业领域中选择某个课题,完成一篇不超过两万字的学术论文。