Minor in Chinese

Minor Requirements

From July 2005, ALL students must complete at least 5 courses that cover both required and elective courses  to satisfy the requirements for a Minor in Chinese

  • Required Course: Either HC1001 or HC1002 (choose one course)*

  • Elective Courses: 4 other courses from the Prescribed Electives (NOT including any courses listed under Minor in Translation , Minor in Chinese Creative Writing and GER courses)

* HC1001 and HC1002 are the Required Courses to earn a Minor in Chinese. Students need to only choose ONE from these 2 courses. If both courses are chosen, the additional one course will not be counted as one of the 4 courses under the Elective Courses. (Click to see full list of Elective courses)

Students need to obtain at least PASS and above in all of the courses to be awarded the Minor.​​​​​​​​​​​



  • 指定课程: HC1001 或 HC1002 (选修其中一门)*
  • 选修课程:从中文系的核心或选修组中,选修4门课(不包括翻译副修、创意写作副修以及通识课程中所列的任何课程)。

* HC1001 和 HC1002 为中文副修指定必修组,报读的学生只须选修其中一门课;若两门课都选修,另一门课不能列入其余 4 门课的其中一门。
