Published on 03 Jan 2025

The Science of Learning in Education Centre hosts Dr Stephanie MacMahon from the University of Queensland

The Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC) had the opportunity to host Dr Stephanie MacMahon, co-founder and program director for the UQ Learning Lab in the School of Education, from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, from 27th November to 5th December 2024. Faculty and education research scientists from MOE and SoLEC held meaningful discussions and conversations, ranging from how to tackle barriers and translating effective knowledge mobilization into real-world settings (teaching, learning and training in schools or the workplace), including how to incorporate Science of Learning into practice, with Dr MacMahon.

On 28 November 2024, Dr MacMahon was invited to speak at the monthly Strategic Growth Area Science of Learning (SGA SoL) seminar, where she gave a talk titled “The UQ Learning Lab: Partnering to Mobilize the Science of Learning into Practice” on how the Science of Learning has much to contribute to the understanding of learning across the lifespan. Using a multi-disciplinary lens, they are developing a comprehensive understanding of how people learn and of the complex, interconnected cognitive, emotional, biological, psychological, and social factors that influence learning in diverse contexts. Consideration of how these insights can be translated into practice is also an essential aspect of the Science of Learning. Dr MacMahon also shared more details about the UQ Learning Lab regarding their foundation, research, teaching and learning, partnerships, and vision. NIE staff and Dr MacMahon shared their opinions and views on the different obstacles and rewards encountered while applying programs based on the Science of Learning to both Singapore and Australia school settings.