Dr Lim Yang Teck Kenneth speaks at a UNESCO roundtable on Generative AI and Education and participates in the HCist – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
Dr Lim Yang Teck Kenneth, Senior Education Research Scientist at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP), was invited to speak at a roundtable on Generative AI and Education in the Asia-Pacific jointly organised by UNESCO and the Southeast Asian Ministries of Education Organisation (SEAMO), from 7th to 9th November 2023 in Bangkok. Dr Lim shared his work on “Who let the Brain Out? Generative AI and its Potential in Nurturing Learner Empathy, Pro-social Values and Environmental Stewardship”.
On 9 November 2023, Dr Lim Yang Teck Kenneth also participated in the HCist – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies held in Porto, Portugal, where he shared his work during a parallel session on “An Investigation on the Effects of Different Types of Odours on Stress Level of High School Students when Studying”. The paper explores how aromatherapy is proposed to mitigate the stress levels of high school students in Singapore when studying. Findings have shown that the anti-anxiety effects of the stimulants (I.e. lemon, bergamot, rosemary) were much larger than that of the sedatives (I.e. lavender, ylang-ylang).
Dr Lim also shared his work “Designing and Prototyping of AI-Based Real-Time Mobile Detectors for Calisthenic Push-Up Exercise” in another parallel session on 10 November 2023. The paper explores a newly designed real-time mobile push-up detector prototype using 3 distinctive approaches: (1) Push-up pose classification, (2) Angle-heuristic estimation and (3) Optical flow detection, as well as training the deep-learning model with over 2000 images to achieve a high accuracy for real-time deployment. The findings have shown that the angle-heuristic estimation method has the best overall performance.