Advanced Field Placement in Ecology and Society

Course Code: ES3304
Course Description:
This course aims to support you in developing the requisite skills to interpret patterns and processes in the field, and perform successful field work. During a field trip in Taiwan, combined with follow-up activities, you will learn to assess the factors that drive the structure and functioning of ecosystems, help frame research questions, conduct field work, process the data and interpret the results, as you would do working in an Environmental Sciences field. As such it will help put principles learned in the classroom into practice. Through this project you will essentially learn the importance of project management including prioritisation, time and resources management and liaising between different people.
Year Taken: Year 3 or 4
Semester Offered: Special Term 1

Prerequisite: ES2003; ES2303

Course OBTL


Karst forest group Taiwan
Course coordinator: Professor David WARDLE
Office Location: N2-01c-49
Corse coordinator: Dr Shawn LUM Kaihekulani Yamauchi, Senior Lecturer
Office Location: N2-01c-55