Published on 06 Dec 2023

Application for Singaporean institute open

The National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU) Singapore is the city state’s national teacher education institute and an integral part of the nation’s education system.

The institute, offering multidisciplinary undergraduate and graduate education programmes, empowers students to analyse, tackle, and resolve challenges in various career pathways. The NIE’s position within a research-intensive technological university also promotes an interdisciplinary approach to research.

Lecturer from the English Language and Literature (ELL) Academic Group at NIE Dr Jo Ann Netto Shek said, “My research interests revolve around student learning needs at NIE and NTU. In one of my research projects, I wanted to improve the quality of our students’ thinking about children’s stories by getting them to select, discuss and develop book talk videos for children.”

As a researcher, Dr Jo Ann found that working with colleagues who share similar interests and are themselves engaging is a gratifying experience.

“Working with like-minded colleagues who are interesting and curious is a definite positive. Writing up project findings is also another high in making sense of where we are and the next steps moving forward,” added Dr Jo Ann.

For those contemplating academic journey in research, Dr Jo Ann said, “I’ve learnt that research must begin with the researcher’s dispositions. Research should first answer the question: are you interested in the answer of your inquiry?”

Applications for August 2024 intake are now open until January 31, 2024.

Read the original article here.

Source: 2013 Borneo Bulletin Online - The Independent Newspaper in Brunei Darussalam, Sabah and Sarawak