Environmental Biotechnology

Course Code: ES3303
Course Description:
This course will provide the E2S2 fourth year students with a theoretical and quantitative understanding of cutting-edge environmental biotechnologies, including: a) bioremediation for soil and groundwater treatment; b) microbial electrotechnology for wastewater and groundwater treatment; c) biocatalysis and bioelectrocatalysis for biofuel and fine chemical production (Green Biotechnology). The course combines lectures and group work, where the students will apply their knowledge to actual case studies from industrial literature. At the end of the course, the students will be able to design in-principle applications of environmental biotechnology to soil and groundwater treatment.
Year Taken: Year 3 or 4
Next Offered: Sem 2
Prerequisite: BS2002, ES2301, CM1031, MH1800/MH1100/CY1201/CY1601, MH1801/MH1101/CY1202/CY1602
Years Offered:
AY 2016 - 2017