Professor Sum Tze Chien elected Fellow of Optica

Professor Sum Tze Chien, a faculty member at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS) in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), has been elected as a Fellow Member of Optica (formerly The Optical Society (OSA)). This honour recognises Professor Sum’s pioneering contributions to the development of halide perovskite materials for use in photovoltaics, lasers, LEDs, spintronics and spectroscopy.
Optica (formerly OSA) is one of the leading scientific societies dedicated to the study of optics and photonics. Fellow membership is limited to no more than ten percent of its membership and is reserved for members who have made significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics.
Professor Sum received his PhD in Physics from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2005 and joined SPMS the same year, switching his research field from applied nuclear physics to femtosecond laser spectroscopy. He was promoted to full professor in 2018. Presently, he is the Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) and holds a concurrent appointment as the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Science at NTU Singapore.
His present research focuses on light-matter interactions, energy and charge transfer mechanisms, and quasi-particle dynamics in emergent nanoscale systems, with an emphasis on light harvesting systems. He is the Cluster Director for the Renewables & Low Carbon Generation (Solar) programme at the Energy Research Institute @ NTU.
Professor Sum’s election, along with 105 other Optica Fellows from 24 countries, was announced on 18 November 2021.