About Us

The Mediated Learning Laboratory (MLL) in NIE is set up to propel the use and application of Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and Dynamic Assessment (DA) for research in educational settings and translate research findings into practical guides for teachers and practitioners both locally and globally.  In addition, it aims to connect with researchers to lead research and push the knowledge frontier for Feuerstein’s theories of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM), Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and Dynamic Assessment (DA).

The MLL is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art recording system, and a floor to ceiling one-way mirror adjacent to an observation room. The MLL is cozily furnished and well-appointed for learning intervention, observation and research activities.

MLL Video



The MLL seeks to provide a platform to connect persons with diverse applied and theoretical interests in MLE and DA.

The MLL seeks to provide training, workshops and seminars for local and regional educators, researchers and practitioners.

The MLL seeks to facilitate advisory and guidance services to individuals, organizations, and the community on MLE and DA practices

The MLL seeks to partner with schools to promote, stimulate and disseminate applications and research of MLE and DA to teachers and the students

Our People

Chua Bee Leng

Assoc Prof Chua Bee Leng

National Institute of Education

A/P Chua Bee Leng is the Chief Learning and Innovation Officer at the Director's Office, National Institute of Education. She is also an Associate Professor (Teaching) with the Psychology and Child & Human Development department. She has c ...

Chief Learning & Innovations Officer, Director's Office Associate Professor (Teaching), National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development

Keywords: Education and Pedagogy | Teacher Education

Nie Youyan

Assoc Prof Nie Youyan

National Institute of Education

Nie Youyan is an Associate Professor with the Psychology and Child & Human Development Academic Group, National Institute of Education. She obtained her PhD in Educational Psychology from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and ME ...

Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development

Keywords: Education

Wong Yuen Fun, Isabella

Assoc Prof Wong Yuen Fun, Isabella

National Institute of Education

Dr. Isabella Wong is an Associate Professor with the Psychology and Child & Human Development (PCHD) Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She had previously served in the Offic ...

Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development

Keywords: Education

Karuppiah Nirmala

Dr Karuppiah Nirmala

National Institute of Education

Dr Karuppiah Nirmala (a.k.a. Nirmala Segaran) is the Head, Education, Centre for Research in Child Development (CRCD), OER, National Institute of Education. She has served several years in the field of early childhood education, holding various posit ...

Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development

Keywords: Curriculum Design and Assessment | Education and Pedagogy | Educational Management and Leadership | Teacher Education

Contact Us


Researchers or practitioners interested in research collaboration with MLL are welcome to contact Dr Chua Bee Leng, Associate Professor Isabella Wong; or email the MLL team at [email protected]

Location of MLL

1 Nanyang Walk
Block 2, Room 13, Basement
Singapore 637616