Undergraduate Leave Matters

Students must seek the Schools’ approval for short leave of absence if they cannot attend classes on the following occasions:

  • On days when there are laboratory sessions
  • On days when assessments (e.g. quizzes or tests) are conducted during classes
  • On any other occasions that tutor(s) or lecturer(s) deem as compulsory for students' attendance

Students are to download and complete the short leave form and submit with the supporting document(s) to their home School. A soft copy submission is accepted.

For more information on Short Leave of Absence as well as for those who are absent for examinations, refer to your Student Intranet (Academic Matters > Matriculation and Candidature > Leave of Absence - Short-termed leave) for more information. 

The University may grant semester leave of absence on the following grounds:

  • Medical - application must be supported by a medical practitioner
  • Personal - refers to grounds other than medical e.g. to participate in competitions and sports, to work or start up a company, or to attend to personal matters

For more information on this, refer to your Student Intranet (Academic Matters > Matriculation and Candidature > Leave of Absence - Semester-long leave).