Division of Physics and Applied Physics
Full-Time Faculty
BRUNO, Annalisa
Associate Professor Ph.D. (University of Naples ‘Federico Ii’) Research Interests: Novel Materials for Energy; Optoelectronics Properties of Semiconductors; Photovoltaics and Light-Emitting Devices
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CHANG Guoqing
Nanyang Assistant Professor (NRF Fellow) Ph.D. (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Physics; First-principles Studies of Quantum Materials; Nonlinear Optical Responses of Topological Quantum Materials.
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Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Academic) Deputy Director, Complexity Institute Ph.D. (Cornell University) Research Interests: Condensed matter physics; Computational physics; Statistical and complex system dynamics; Bioinformatics
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CHEW Lock Yue
Professor Associate Dean (Students), College of Science Ph.D. (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Study of nanoequilibrium systems from the perspective of nonlinear and statistical physics with the aim of discovering new and fundamental physical principles.
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CHIA Ee Min, Elbert
Associate Professor Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Research Interests: Ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics of strongly correlated electronic systems.
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CHONG Yidong
Professor Associate Chair (Students) Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Research Interests: Theoretical photonics, including topological and non-Hermitian photonics; Laser theory and quantum optics.
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DUMKE, Rainer
Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Facility, IT, Safety & Health) Ph.D. (Institute of Quantum Optics, Hanover, Germany) Research Interests: Ultra cold atomic matter; Atom-chip devices; Bose-einstein condensation; Atom interferometry; Quantum information processing.
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FAN Hongjin
Professor Ph.D. (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Nanowires and nanotubes: size/morphology dependent properties and devices; Functional compound nanomaterials; Nanoscale Kirkendall effect; Atomic layer deposition
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GAO Weibo
Professor Director, CN Yang Scholars Programme Ph.D. (University of Science and Technology of China) Research Interests: Quantum photonics; Solid condensed matter physics; Nanophotonics; Spin opto-mechanics; Hybrid systems.
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GARBET, Xavier
Professor Temasek Professor in Clean Energy Ph.D. (Aix-Marseille University) Research Interests: Physics of plasmas; Magnetic fusion energy
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GU Mile
Associate Professor (NRF Investigator) Ph.D. (University of Queensland) Research Interests: Quantum information; Complexity science; Quantum computation; Physics of information; Quantum foundations.
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HAN Endao
Assistant Professor Ph.D. (The University of Chicago) Research Interests: Experimental Biological Physics; Soft Condensed Matter Physics
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HO Shen Yong
Principal Lecturer Executive Director, Institute of Pedagogical Innovation, Research and Excellence Director (Making and Tinkering) Ph.D. (University of Toronto) Research Interests: Techniques for solving quantum many body problems; Foundational issues in quantum mechanics; Physics education research.
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KOH Teck Seng
Senior Lecturer Assistant Chair (Education & Pedagogy Development) Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Research Interests: Quantum Information and Computation; Nanoscale Device Physics; Interdisciplinary Interface between Physics and Biology; Quantum Foundations.
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LEE Soo Ying
Emeritus Professor Ph.D. (University of Chicago) Research Interests: Time-dependent vibrational-electronic spectroscopy; Nonlinear spectroscopy; Femtosecond broadband stimulated Raman spectroscopy; Molecular reaction dynamics
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LEEK Meng Lee
Senior Lecturer Assistant Chair (Outreach) Ph.D. (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Condensed Matter Many-Body Field Theory; Matsubara finite temperature Green's functions; Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's functions; Canonical quantization of General Relativity: Loop quantum gravity; Other areas of fundamental physics, especially the differential geometric aspects such as the quantum geometric phase.
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LEW Wen Siang
Professor Head, Physics and Applied Physics Associate Chair (Research & Graduate Studies) Ph.D. (University of Cambridge) Research Interests: Fundamental and applied studies of spintronics devices; Nanomagnetism, nanoscale sciences and fabrication techniques; Microfluidics, magnetic MEMS, bio spintronic devices
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LIEW, Timothy C.H
Associate Professor Ph.D. (University of Southampton) Research Interests: Theoretical physics of semiconductor nanostructures ; Exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities ; Spintronic, quantum and Polaritonic devices
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LIM Gerard Joseph
Lecturer Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University) Research Interests: Nanomagnetism; Spintronic Devices for Emerging Memory and Computing Applications; Magnetic Materials and Devices; Nano/Micro-fabrication Techniques
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MARCUS, Rudolph A.
Nanyang Professor Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1992 for the theory of electron transfer Ph.D. (McGill University) | |
NG Huei Ying, Nelly
Nanyang Assistant Professor Ph.D. (Delft University of Technology) Research Interests: Quantum Thermodynamics and Thermal Machines; Quantum Many-body Physics; Quantum Information Processing, Resource Theories.
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Professor Ph.D. (University of Cambridge) Research Interests: Quantum magnetism and unconventional superconductivity; Electron motion through materials at their quantum limits; Self-generated electronic heterogeneity; New forms of miniaturised multifunctional devices
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PHAN Anh Tuân
Lee Soo Ying Professor in Biological Physics (NRF Investigator) Chair, SPMS Ph.D. (Ecole Polytechnique, France) Research Interests: Biophysics: Use of physical, chemical, biological and computational methods to investigate and manipulate properties of biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins.
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Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Internship) Ph.D. (University of Naples, Italy) Research Interests: Statistical mechanics of complex and disordered systems
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Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Communications) Ph.D. (IIT Bombay) Research Interests: Spintronics Materials; Magnonics; Magnetic Recording; Magnetic Nanostructures; Magnetics for Energy
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QU Zhisong
Assistant Professor Ph.D. (The Australian National University) Research Interests: Plasma Physics; Magnetic Confinement Fusion
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Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Strategic Development) Policy Coordinator - India Policy Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Research Interests: Supersolids; Quantum magnetism at high magnetic fields; Ultracold atoms in optical lattices; Control of quantum systems; Theoretical biology.
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SHEN Yijie
Assistant Professor Ph.D. (Tsinghua University) Research Interests: Structured Light; Optical Angular Momentum; Quantum Entanglement; Topological Photonics; Skyrmions; Nanophotonics; Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics
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SHEN Zexiang
Professor Ph.D. (King's College, University of London) Research Interests: Development of near-field scanning Raman (nano-Raman) and photoluminescence microscopy; Characterization of nano-structures using nano-Raman microscopy; Applications of micro Raman spectroscopy.
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SINGH, Ranjan
Professor Assistant Chair (Safety) Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University) Research Interests: Ultrafast Photonics; Metamaterials, plasmonics and nanophotonics; Silicon photonics; Terahertz time resolved spectroscopy; Terahertz waveguides; Plasmonic solar cells; Fano resonance phenomena
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SOCI, Cesare
Professor Program Chair, Interdisciplinary Graduate School Deputy Director, Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies Ph.D. (University of Pavia and University of California at Santa Barbara) Research Interests: III-V Nanowires; Organic Semiconductors; Optical and Photocurrent Spectroscopy
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SONG, Justin
Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Students) Ph.D. (Harvard University) Research Interests: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics; Quantum Materials; Mesoscopics and Transport
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SU Rui
Nanyang Assistant Professor Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University) Research Interests: Semiconductor Optics; Microcavity Photonics; Topological photonics; Quantum Photonics; Condensed Matter Physics; Optoelectronic and Quantum devices
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SUM Tze Chien
Professor (NRF Investigator) Associate Dean (Research), College of Science Director, Institute of Advanced Studies Ph.D. (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Femtosecond studies of energy transfer processes in nanoparticles, organic light emitting devices and organic photovoltaics; Magneto-optical spectroscopy of magnetic materials and structures; Femtosecond laser direct-write and modification of materials
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WANG Xiao, Renshaw
Associate Professor Director, Masters in Precision Scientific Instrumentation Programme Ph.D. (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics; Low dimensional strongly correlated systems; Electronics and spintronics devices
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Associate Professor Ph.D. (The University of New South Wales) Research Interests: Electronic properties of novel two-dimensional and topological materials; Quantum information processing science and technology; Nanoelectronic and quantum device physics; Structural and Electronic Characterisations of materials using Scanning Probe Microscopy; Atomic manipulations and lithography
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Associate Professor Ph.D. (University of Lille 1, France) Research Interests: Cold and Ultracold Physics; Gauge field theory; Electromagnetic-Induced Transparency; Wave Localization and Disordered system; Mesoscopic Physics; Ultrahigh laser spectroscopy
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Nanyang Assistant Professor (NRF Fellow) Director, Odyssey Leaders in Science Programme Ph.D. (Princeton University) Research Interests: Fractional quantum Hall effect and strongly correlated topological systems; Classical complex systems; Traffic theory
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Assistant Professor Ph.D. (Harvard University) Research Interests: Soft condensed matter; Mechanics of membrane biogenesis; Brain and vision; Pattern formation in complex systems
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Professor Assistant Chair (Research & Graduate Studies) Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Research Interests: Electromagnetic wave theory and applications; Metamaterials; Photonic/Phononic crystals
Cross Appointments
DEMIR, Hilmi Volkan
Professor (cross appointment from EEE) Ph.D. (Stanford University) Research Interests: Light-material interactions at the nanoscale; Excitonics, plasmonics, energy transfer; Light generation and harnessing; Semiconductor lighting (visible) and deep UV ; Optoelectronics and nanophotonics.
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LOH Zhi Heng
Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCEB) Ph.D. (University of California at Berkeley) Research Interests: Femtosecond and attosecond studies of coherent electron and nuclear dynamics; Hgh-order harmonic generation; Tabletop time-resolved core-level spectroscopy
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MU Yuguang
Associate Professor (cross appointment from SBS) PhD (Shandong University) Research Interests: MD simulation method and data analysis method development; Peptide, protein folding and unfolding, in particular folding/misfolding mechanisms which could lead to amyloid fibrils; DNA dynamics, DNA-protein, DNA-counterion interactions; RNA dynamics and folding studies.
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TAN Howe Siang
Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCEB) Ph.D. (Princeton University) Research Interests: Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy of water molecules; Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy; Optical pulse shaping
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TÖRÖK, Peter
Professor (cross appointment from LKCMedicine and SCELSE) DPhil (University of Oxford) Research Interests: Optical imaging and microscopy; Optical instrumentation and lens design; Spectroscopic techniques in imaging; Electromagnetic theory of imaging; Polarised light microscopy and imaging.
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TRAN Anh Tuan
Associate Professor (cross appointment from MAE) PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Research Interests: Multiphase flows, capillary flows, liquid-vapour transitions, fluid-solid interactions
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WANG Qijie
Professor (cross appointment from EEE) Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University) Research Interests: Semiconductor Lasers; Mid-IR and Terahertz Technologies; Nano-Photonics; Fiber Optics & Photonics
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YEOW Kok Lee, Edwin
Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCEB) Ph.D. (University of Melbourne) Research Interests: Single-Molecule Detection; Materials Chemistry; Polymer Physics; Photo-induced Molecular Devices
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ZHANG, Zhengyang
Lecturer (cross appointment from CCEB) PhD (Nanyang Technological University) Research Interests: Super-resolution imaging, Single molecule spectroscopy, Nanoscale catalysis
Adjunct Faculty
GOH Kuan Eng, Johnson
Adjunct Professor PhD (University of New South Wales) Research Interests: Quantum materials; Low-dimensional transport; Solid-state quantum computing technologies; Machine learning assisted materials discovery.
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LEE Cheow Lei, James
Adjunct Associate Professor PhD (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Radiotherapy physics; Radiation dosimetry; Intensity modulated radiotherapy; Advanced treatment planning
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PHUA Kok Khoo
Adjunct Professor PhD (Birmingham University) Research Interests: Theoretical physics; Science education
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TENG Jinghua
Adjunct Professor PhD (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Plasmonics; Metamaterials; Nano-photonics; THz technology; Compound semiconductor materials and devices; Semiconductor lasers and LEDs; Waveguide devices and photonics integration
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U.S, Dinish
Adjunct Associate Professor PhD (Nanyang Technological University) Research Interests: Biophotonics; Nanophotonics; Clinical Translation; Medical Technologies
Visiting Faculty
GUET, Claude
Visiting Professor Habilitation (University of Grenoble) Research Interests: Theory of finite quantum systems in nuclear, atomic and Nanophysics; Physics informed deep learning applied to complex systems; Nuclear science for energy: fusion and fission
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KONO, Junichiro
Visiting Professor PhD (State University of New York) Research Interests: Materials driven out of equilibrium; Carbon-based optics and photonics; Quantum optics in condensed matter; Physical phenomena in high magnetic fields
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LAN Shau-Yu
Visiting Associate Professor Ph.D. (Georgia Institute of Technology) Research Interests: Matter-wave interferometry; Quantum optics; Atom optics; Laser cooling and trapping; Precision measurement; Quantum sensing; Quantum metrology
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Visiting Professor Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University) Research Interests: Nanomaterials and Heterostructures; Raman scattering spectroscopy; Nanoelectronics and nanophotonics; Nanobiotechnology
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Visiting Professor Ph.D. (University of Valencia) Research Interests: Quantum Materials; Collective Excitations