Division of Mathematical Sciences
Full-Time Faculty
BEI Xiaohui
Associate Professor PhD (Tsinghua University) Research Interests: Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design; Social network analysis; Resource allocation; Theoretical computer science
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CHAN Song Heng
Associate Professor PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign) Research Interests: Number Theory; Combinatorics; Special functions
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Associate Professor Assistant Dean (Continuing Education and Training) PhD (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Game Theory; Complexity Science; AI in medical/healthcare
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CHUA Chek Beng
Associate Professor PhD (Cornell University) Research Interests: Continuous optimization; Interior-point algorithms; Convex analysis
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Senior Lecturer PhD (KTH Stockholm) Research Interests: Algebraic topology; Mathematical billiards; Artin’s braid group; Invariants of plane curves; Learning analytics; Topological data analysis
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GAY-BALMAZ, Francois Joachim Marcel
Associate Professor PhD (EPFL, Switzerland) Research Interests: Geometric methods in fluid dynamics and elasticity; Structure preserving numerical discretization; Variational principles in nonequilibrium thermodynamics; Geometry and modeling of quantum-classical systems.
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GREAVES, Gary Royden Watson
Assistant Professor PhD (University of London) Research Interests: Algebraic combinatorics; number theory
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GU Mile
Associate Professor PhD (University of Queensland) Research Interests: Quantum information; Complexity science; Quantum computation; Physics of information; Quantum foundations
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GUO Jian
Associate Professor Co-Director, Masters in Cyber Security PhD (Nanyang Technological University) Research Interests: Cryptography; Security
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Senior Lecturer PhD (Umeå University) Research Interests: Potential theory and its application to rational and harmonic approximation
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Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Academic) PhD (University of Cambridge) Research Interests: Homogenization theory; Analysis and numerical analysis of multiscale problems; Analysis and numerical analysis of stochastic partial differential equations
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HONG, Seok Young
Assistant Professor PhD (University of Cambridge) Research Interests: Time Series; Financial Econometrics; Asset Pricing
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Assistant Professor PhD (Heriot-Watt University) Research Interests: Bayesian inference; Possibility theory; Inference for complex dynamical systems; Reinforcement learning
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HUANG, Leonard
Lecturer PhD (University of Kansas) Research Interests: Analysis (real/harmonic/global/functional); Geometry (algebraic/differential/non-commutative); Mathematical logic; Mathematical physics; Operator algebras
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KIAH Han Mao
Assistant Professor PhD (Nanyang Technological University) Research Interests: Coding theory; Combinatorics
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KRICKER, Andrew James
Associate Professor Deputy Director of URECA PhD (University of Melbourne) Research Interests: Low-dimensional topology; Topological invariants associated with quantum field theory; Lie algebras; Mathematical physics
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KU Cheng Yeaw
Senior Lecturer PhD (University of London) Research Interests: Extremal problems for graphs; Hypergraphs and other combinatorial structures; Probabilistic and algebraic methods in discrete mathematics.
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Associate Professor PhD (University of Michigan) Research Interests: Algorithms for massive data sets; Data stream algorithms; Compressive sensing
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LIM Kay Jin
Senior Lecturer PhD (University of Aberdeen) Research Interests: Representation theory of symmetric gropus; Schur algebras and Hecke algebras
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Professor Deputy President and Provost President’s Chair in Mathematical Sciences PhD (University of California, Berkeley) Research Interests: Applications of algebra and number theory to combinatorial designs; Coding theory; Cryptography and sequences ; Arithmetic of modular curves and Galois representations
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Nanyang Assistant Professor PhD (University of Cambridge) Research Interests: Geometric data science; Geometric optimization ; Material design and shape-programmable systems
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Associate Professor PhD (ETH Zurich) Research Interests: Machine Learning Algorithms in Finance and Insurance; Model Uncertainty in Financial Markets; Annuity Contract Theory; Financial & Insurance Mathematics; Stochastic Analysis & Stochastic Optimal Control
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NG Keng Meng
Professor Associate Chair (Academic) PhD (Victoria University of Wellington) Research Interests: Computability theory; Descriptive and algorithmic complexity; Algorithmic information theory and randomness; Reverse mathematics
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OGGIER, Frédérique Elise
Associate Professor Assistant Dean (Research), College of Science PhD (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) Research Interests: Applications of algebra and number theory; Coding theory; Secure communication
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ORTEGA, Juan-Pablo
Professor Lee Soo Ying Professor of Mathematics Head, Mathematical Sciences Associate Chair (Faculty) PhD (University of California, Santa Cruz) Research Interests: Learning of dynamic processes; Dynamical and controlled systems; Geometric mechanics; Financial econometrics; Physiological signal treatment
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PAN Guangming
Professor Assistant Dean (Faculty), College of Science PhD (University of Science and Technology of China) Research Interests: Random matrix theory; Multivariate analysis; Applications of probability
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PEYRIN, Thomas
Professor Assistant Chair (Research and Graduate Studies) NRFI PhD (Orange Labs, Universite de Versailles) Research Interests: Symmetric key cryptography; Lightweight cryptography; Cryptanalysis
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Professor Director, Masters in Analytics Programme PhD (University of Paris VI) Research Interests: Probability; Stochastic analysis; Mathematical finance
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PUN Chi Seng, Patrick
Associate Professor Assistant Chair (MSc programs) Director, Masters in Fintech Programme PhD (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Research Interests: Financial mathematics; Robust stochastic control; High-dimensional statistics; Derivatives pricing
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SCHMIDT, Bernhard
Professor PhD (University of Augsburg) Research Interests: Algebraic design theory; Finite geometry; Algebraic number theory
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TANG Wee Kee
Principal Lecturer Assistant Chair (Outreach) Assistant Chair (Education & Pedagogy Development) PhD (University of Alberta) Research Interests: Banach space theory; Baire-1 functions
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Associate Professor PhD (Tsinghua University) Research Interests: Seismic imaging; numerical methods for partial differential equations; Inverse problems
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WANG Huaxiong
Professor PhD (University of Haifa & University of Wollongong) Research Interests: Cryptography; Information security; Combinatorics; Coding theory; Theoretical computer science
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WANG Li-Lian
Professor PhD (Shanghai University) Research Interests: Spectral methods; Algorithms; Analysis and applications; Triangular spectral-element methods for PDEs in complex geometries;
Computational fluid dynamics; Computational electromagnetics
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WANG Zhongjian
Assistant Professor PhD (The University of Hong Kong) Research Interests: Applied and Computational Mathematics; Numerical Analysis; Machine learning; Generative models
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WU Guohua
Associate Professor PhD (Victoria University of Wellington) Research Interests: Computability; Complexity ; Logic
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Wu Hongjun
Associate Professor PhD (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Research Interests: Cryptography; Cryptanalysis
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XIA Kelin
Associate Professor PhD (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Research Interests: Mathematical modeling of bimolecular systems; Topological data analysis; Scientific computing
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XIANG Liming
Associate Professor Assistant Chair (Students) PhD (City University of Hong Kong) Research Interests: GLMM; Mixture model; Survival analysis; Influence diagnostics and robust estimation
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YAN Zhenzhen
Assistant Professor PhD (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Optimization under uncertainty; Data Driven Pricing; Supply Chain Management; Health Care Operations; Completely Positive Program
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Lecturer PhD (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: High-dimensional data analysis; Subgroup detection; Biostatistics; Infectious disease modelling; Health economic and policy modelling
Cross Appointments
Professor (cross appointment from CCDS) PhD (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Research Interests: Multi-agent systems; Game theory; Optimization; Intelligent e-commerce
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Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCDS) PhD (RWTH Aachen, Germany) Research Interests: High-level synthesis; Application-specific processors; Heterogeneous MPSoC; Synthesis for emerging technology
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Professor (cross appointment from CCDS) PhD (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Geospatial, textual, and mobility data management; Data mining; Large scale data analytics; Mining social networks and social media; User preference modeling and recommendation; Urban informatics
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DATTA, Anwitaman
Associate Professor (cross appointment from CCDS) PhD (EPF) Research Interests: Distributed and peer-to-peer systems; Randomized algorithms; Self-organization; Epidemics; Online social networks
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LIU Yang
Professor (cross appointment from CCDS) PhD (National University of Singapore) Research Interests: Formal methods; Model checking; Software security; Software engineering
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Professor (cross appointment from CCDS) PhD (University of Manitoba) Research Interests: Radio resource management; Network performance analysis; Economics modeling of wireless communications and networking
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ONG Yew Soon
Professor (cross appointment from CCDS) PhD (University of Southampton) Research Interests: Artificial intelligence; Computational intelligence; Memetic computing; Evolutionary optimization; Intelligent multi-agents; Data analytics
Adjunct Faculty
EZERMAN, Martianus Frederic
Adjunct Assistant Professor PhD (Nanyang Technological University) Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Cryptography; coding theory; discrete and combinatorial structures
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KHOO Khoong Ming
Adjunct Associate Professor PhD (University of Waterloo) Research Interests: Applications of mathematics to cryptology; Cryptographic Boolean functions and S-boxes; Symmetric cryptographic primitives
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SIM Siang Meng
Adjunct Assistant Professor PhD (Nanyang Technological University) Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Symmetric-key cryptography; Lightweight cryptography; Cryptanalysis
Visiting Faculty
Visiting Professor PhD (Stanford University) Research Interests: Distributed multi-A(ge)nt robotics; Discrete and applied geometry; Image and signal processing; Image analysis (computer vision); Image synthesis (computer graphics)
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Visiting Professor PhD (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Research Interests: Stochastic Finance; Applied Probability
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MATHEWS, Daniel Virgil
Visiting Associate Professor PhD (Stanford University) Research Interests: Geometry; topology; mathematical physics; including knot theory; contact and symplectic topology; hyperbolic geometry; Floer homology; quantum topology.
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XING Chaoping
Visiting Professor PhD (University of Science and Technology of China) Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Coding Theory; Cryptography; Number Theory