Why Choose the Master of Arts in Translation and Interpretation (MTI) Programme?
With a focus on English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation, the MTI Programme distinguishes itself from general translation courses and programmes. Its specific objectives are to help students to develop the following capabilities: |

A comprehensive set of skills as well as professional attitudes and ethics for carrying out professional translation/interpretation work between English and Chinese.
A thorough understanding of theories, debates, and research methods in translation and interpretation studies.
Competency in conducting research in translation and interpretation as well as expertise in research design and methodology.
Capabilities for tackling various issues in relation to registers and styles and rendering texts from a wide range of specialised fields, as well as adequate knowledge of relevant interdisciplinary concepts.

Awareness of technological changes and advances in translation/interpretation, as well as the know-how to use translation tools to facilitate translation production.
The ability to reflect on one’s own translation and interpreting experience in more theoretical terms, so as to learn from future experience and foster developments in the related fields.
The establishment of the MTI Programme is a timely response to the demands of the local society and the region. It not only serves to bridge the gap between different disciplines in academia and industry but also to add to the intellectual breadth of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as a comprehensive university.