Forms and Procedures

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Coursework Programmes

MSc in Knowledge Management and Master of Media and Communication

Students can download the relevant forms from below.

Change of Option of Study

  • This form is to be completed if students would like to change their option of study from “Coursework & Dissertation” to “Coursework Only” or vice versa.
  • Students have to ensure that they have previously already selected an option of study prior to putting up this request form. Students can verify this by checking their academic records in the GSLink.
  • Students are allowed to apply for change of option of study only once in the entire duration of the programme and reverting of status is not allowed after approval.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before deadline stated in the school’s email correspondence which will be sent to the students’ NTU email account a few weeks before the start of semester.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Conversion of Programme Status

  • This form is to be completed for changing student’s programme status from full-time to part-time or vice versa.
  • Students are allowed to apply for conversion of student status only once in their entire duration of the programme and reverting of status is not allowed after approval.
  • Please provide reason(s) in the application form and provide relevant supporting documents, where necessary.
  • If students are only left with the dissertation project, they will not be allowed to convert from full-time to part-time status.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before the deadline stated in the school’s email correspondence which will be sent to the students’ NTU email account a few weeks before the start of semester.
  • International students will not be allowed to convert to the part-time programme status without a valid Work Permit (S Pass/Employment Pass) or Dependent’s Pass.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Withdrawal from Course(s)

  • This form is to be completed by students for withdrawal from course(s) that they are registered for in a given semester of study.
  • If students are still registered for course(s) after the Add/Drop Course Registration Period and subsequently do not attend classes or sit for the examinations, the student will be deemed to have sat and failed the course(s). This will be reflected with “F” (Fail) grade in the official transcripts.
  • If students de-register or drop course(s) after the Add/Drop Course Registration Period, it will be reflected as course(s) dropped with “W” (Withdrawn) grade in the official transcripts.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before the deadline stated in email sent to the students’ NTU email account for processing of withdrawal requests.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Withdrawal from Programme (Self-financing Programmes)

  • This form is to be completed by students from the self-financing programmes for withdrawal from programme.
  • Students are liable to pay the full tuition fees for the entire semester, if they fail to apply for withdrawal from programme within the first two weeks of the start of semester.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before the deadline stated in email sent to the students’ NTU email account for processing of withdrawal requests.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Leave of Absence (LOA - Self-financing Programmes)

If a student is planning to apply for leave for any given semester, please send in the LOA request online before the deadline stated in email sent to the students’ NTU email account or latest two weeks before the start of the semester as the school needs time to inform the Office of Academic Services (OAS) for updating of student records and the Office of Finance (OFIN) about the liability of tuition fees for the semester.

An LOA applies only to leave of minimum one semester or maximum two semesters (one academic year). If a student intends to be away for one or two weeks during the term time, he or she should inform the lecturer(s) directly. There is no need to apply for an LOA in this instance.

Do note that the period of leave counts towards the length of the student’s candidature. Also, students who are on LOA are not allowed to attend any classes and students who submit their dissertation during LOA shall be liable for tuition fees for the whole semester.

Extensions of candidature requests are not considered, unless it is an exceptional circumstance based on medical grounds. The usual candidature period is sufficient for completion of the degree requirements for graduation.

To apply:

  • This form is to be completed for LOA applications for students from the Non-Subsidised programmes only.
  • The minimum period of LOA allowed is 1 semester and the maximum period of LOA allowed is 2 Semesters (1 academic year) for each LOA application.
  • Submitting supporting documents is a compulsory requirement for LOA application. Attach supporting documents such as doctor’s letter, doctor’s memo, medical reports or hospitalisation leave.
  • The School may not support LOA applications due to work commitments, unless it is an overseas posting for the maximum duration of the semester. If students will be on an overseas posting, a letter from the employer is required stating duration and period of posting and the venue of posting.
  • Approved LOA applications are counted towards candidature and it is important to complete all academic requirements for graduation before the end of candidature.
  • Full-time international students granted LOA for more than 3 months consecutively are to cancel and surrender their Student Pass as required by Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and reapply for a new Student Pass through the University at least 1 month before resuming their study.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must the WKWSCI Graduate Office before the deadline stated in email sent to the students’ NTU email account or latest two weeks before the start of the semester. Late applications will not be considered unless due to special circumstances. There are chances that late applications may not be approved by school.
  • LOA applications received after students having attended lessons for more than 2 weeks of the start of the semester will be liable for payment of tuition fees for the entire semester.
  • Students are liable to pay an ‘Administrative fee’ for each approved semester in the LOA application. The ‘Administrative Fee’ amount information will be provided in the LOA approval email sent to students.

MSc in Information Studies and MSc in Information Systems

Students can download the relevant forms from below (except for 'Withdrawal from Programme' and 'Leave of Absence' which is submitted via GSLink).

Change of Option of Study

  • This form is to be completed if students would like to change their option of study from “Coursework & Dissertation” to “Coursework Only” or vice versa.
  • Students have to ensure that they have previously already selected an option of study prior to putting up this request form. Students can verify this by checking their academic records in the GSLink.
  • Students are allowed to apply for change of option of study only once in the entire duration of the programme and reverting of status is not allowed after approval.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before deadline stated in the school’s email correspondence which will be sent to the students’ NTU email account a few weeks before the start of semester.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Conversion of Programme Status

  • This form is to be completed for changing student’s programme status from full-time to part-time or vice versa.
  • Students are allowed to apply for conversion of student status only once in their entire duration of the programme and reverting of status is not allowed after approval.
  • Please provide reason(s) in the application form and provide relevant supporting documents, where necessary.
  • If students are only left with the dissertation project, they will not be allowed to convert from full-time to part-time status.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before the deadline stated in the school’s email correspondence which will be sent to the students’ NTU email account a few weeks before the start of semester.
  • International students will not be allowed to convert to the part-time programme status without a valid Work Permit (S Pass/Employment Pass) or Dependent’s Pass.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Withdrawal from Course(s)

  • This form is to be completed by students for withdrawal from course(s) that they are registered for in a given semester of study.
  • If students are still registered for course(s) after the Add/Drop Course Registration Period and subsequently do not attend classes or sit for the examinations, the student will be deemed to have sat and failed the course(s). This will be reflected with “F” (Fail) grade in the official transcripts.
  • If students de-register or drop course(s) after the Add/Drop Course Registration Period, it will be reflected as course(s) dropped with “W” (Withdrawn) grade in the official transcripts.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before the deadline stated in email sent to the students’ NTU email account for processing of withdrawal requests.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Withdrawal from Programme (Subsidised Programmes)

  • Submission of request online via the GSLink > Administrative > Withdrawal from University
  • Students are liable to pay the full tuition fees for the entire semester, if they fail to apply for withdrawal from programme within the first two weeks of the start of semester.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must reach the WKWSCI Graduate Office before the deadline stated in email sent to the students’ NTU email account for processing of withdrawal requests.
  • Late applications will not be considered.

Leave of Absence (LOA - Subsidised Programmes)

If a student is planning to apply for leave for any given semester, please send in the LOA request online before the deadline stated in email sent to the students’ NTU email account or latest two weeks before the start of the semester as the school needs time to inform the Office of Academic Services (OAS) for updating of student records and the Office of Finance (OFIN) about the liability of tuition fees for the semester.

An LOA applies only to leave of minimum one semester or maximum two semesters (one academic year). If a student intends to be away for one or two weeks during the term time, he or she should inform the lecturer(s) directly. There is no need to apply for an LOA in this instance.

Do note that the period of leave counts towards the length of the student’s candidature. Also, students who are on LOA are not allowed to attend any classes and students who submit their dissertation during LOA shall be liable for tuition fees for the whole semester.

Extensions of candidature requests are not considered, unless it is an exceptional circumstance based on medical grounds. The usual candidature period is sufficient for completion of the degree requirements for graduation.

To apply:

  • Submit Leave of Absence online via your GSLink account.
  • The ‘start date’ in the LOA application refers to the start date of the semester and the ‘end date’ refers to the end date of the semester (after examinations are over).
  • The semester period and dates can be found in the NTU Academic Calendar.
  • The minimum period of LOA allowed is 1 semester and the maximum period of LOA allowed is 2 Semesters (1 academic year) for each LOA application.
  • Submitting supporting documents is a compulsory requirement for LOA application. Attach supporting documents such as doctor’s letter, doctor’s memo, medical reports or hospitalisation leave.
  • The School may not support LOA applications due to work commitments, unless it is an overseas posting for the maximum duration of the semester. If students will be on an overseas posting, a letter from the employer is required stating duration and period of posting and the venue of posting.
  • Approved LOA applications are counted towards candidature and it is important to complete all academic requirements for graduation before the end of candidature.
  • Full-time international students granted LOA for more than 3 months consecutively are to cancel and surrender their Student Pass as required by Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and reapply for a new Student Pass through the University at least 1 month before resuming their study.
  • All requests are subjected to approval and must be submitted via GSLink. Late applications will not be considered unless due to special circumstances. There are chances that late applications may not be approved by school.
  • LOA applications received after students having attended lessons for more than 2 weeks of the start of the semester will be liable for payment of tuition fees for the entire semester. Students are liable to pay an ‘Administrative fee’ for each approved semester in the LOA application. The ‘Administrative Fee’ amount information will be provided in the LOA approval email sent to students.
  • Students are liable to pay an ‘Administrative fee’ for each approved semester in the LOA application. The ‘Administrative Fee’ amount information will be provided in the LOA approval email sent to students.

Research Programmes

Students can download the relevant forms from below.

  • Graduate English (HWG703) & University Teaching for Teaching Assistants (HWG702)
    • It is compulsory for all full time PhD students to take up HWG703 Graduate English (unless exempted) in the first semester followed by taking up HWG702 University Teaching for Teaching Assistants upon completion of at least 2 semesters of study.
  • Epigeum Research Integrity Course
    • All student research involving humans as research subjects must be subject to ethics review by either the NTU IRB or the School.
    • Before IRB submission is made, you are required to complete the Epigeum Research Integrity Module on NTULearn. It is a self-paced online training module on ethical researching. Please save a copy of your Certificate of Completion for your IRB application after completing the module.
    • Please ensure that your supervisor recommends your IRB or Ethics Clearance Application before submission.
    • For further enquiries related to IRB application, you may contact [email protected].
  • Withdrawal/Termination of Candidature
    • The school may request for a student’s termination of candidature. The school will inform the relevant student of the reasons and any penalties accordingly.
    • Students may request for a withdrawal of candidature by giving one month’s notice. If the student is not a research scholar, research fees would be payable if he/she withdraws 2 weeks or more after the start of the candidature or the start of the semester.
  • 10 Seminar Requirement
    • All students must fulfil 10 seminars per academic year or 5 seminars per semester as part of their scholarship requirement. Failing which, their scholarship stipends will be withheld.
  • Renewal of Scholarship
    • Scholarships for PhD students are renewable yearly (for a duration of 4 years) subject to the student’s satisfactory progress. Please submit your progress report directly to your supervisor(s) and TAC for their review.
    • Supervisors will review the progress report and submit your progress report along with the assessment report to the WKW Student Services Centre.
    • WKW Student Services Centre will require the following documents for processing:
  • Confirmation of candidature
    • Full-time PhD students are due for confirmation on the 18th month of candidature while part-time PhD students are due on the 24th month of candidature.
    • Students are to email the following to the programme administrator  and [email protected] 
  • Graduate Student Leave
    • Leave of Absence (LOA)
      • Students may request and apply for a LOA via GS Link. The Associate Chair (Academic) approves a LOA for up to one year. If you wish to apply for leave for more than a period of cumulative one year this is subjected to the Assoc Provost’s approval.
      • If leave applied for extends beyond the maximum candidature, students must also seek approval for extension of candidature at the same time.
    • Medical leave or other leave during scholarship period
      • Research students may be granted sick leave on full scholarship stipend. Medical certificates are to be submitted to the School and Supervisors should be informed.
      • Female research students may be granted maternity leave on full scholarship stipend for up to 8 weeks per childbirth. Requests for maternity leave are to be supported by medical certification and are to be submitted for the School Chair’s approval.
      • Students may apply for annual leave during the semester break upon approval by his/her Supervisor. Students are not allowed to take leave during the semester when they are required to attend classes & conduct research.
  • Overseas Conference Support
  • Research scholars may be given partial support for attending local/overseas conferences. Support for airfare, subsistence allowance and registration fees given on a lump sum grant will be at the discretion of the School.
  • Students have to submit their application containing:
  • Applications needs to reach the School Chair at least 6 weeks before the commencement of conference, or at least 6 weeks before the date of registration/other fees to be paid (if applicable), whichever is earlier.
  • The Office of Finance will then process and inform student of the approval and terms of support accordingly.
  • PhD Summer Programme
  • PhD students who have passed confirmation examination can apply for the PhD Summer Programme
  • Withdrawal/Termination of Candidature
    • The school may request for a student’s termination of candidature. The school will inform the relevant student of the reasons and any penalties accordingly.
    • Students may request for a withdrawal of candidature by giving one month’s notice. If the student is not a research scholar, research fees would be payable if he/she withdraws 2 weeks or more after the start of the candidature or the start of the semester.
  • 10 Seminar Requirement
    • All students must fulfil 10 seminars per academic year or 5 seminars per semester as part of their scholarship requirement. Failing which, their scholarship stipends will be withheld.
  • Renewal of Scholarship
    • Scholarships for MA students are renewable yearly (for a duration of 2 years) subject to the student’s satisfactory progress. Please submit your progress report directly to your supervisor(s) their review.
    • Supervisors will review the progress report and submit your progress report along with the assessment report to the WKW Student Services Centre.
    • WKW Student Services Centre will require the following documents for processing:
  • Confirmation of candidature
    • MA students are due for confirmation on the 12th month from the start of candidature.
    • Students are to submit the following to the programme administrator and [email protected]
  • Leave of Absence (LOA)
    • Students may request and apply for a LOA via GS Link. The Associate Chair (Academic) approves a LOA for up to one year. If you wish to apply for leave for more than a period of cumulative one year this is subjected to the Assoc Provost’s approval.
    • If leave applied for extends beyond the maximum candidature, students must also seek approval for extension of candidature at the same time.
  • Medical leave or other leave during scholarship period
    • Research students may be granted sick leave on full scholarship stipend. Medical certificates are to be submitted to the School and Supervisors should be informed.
    • Female research students may be granted maternity leave on full scholarship stipend for up to 8 weeks per childbirth. Requests for maternity leave are to be supported by medical certification and are to be submitted for the School Chair’s approval.
    • Students may apply for annual leave during the semester break upon approval by his/her Supervisor. Students are not allowed to take leave during the semester when they are required to attend classes & conduct research.
  • Research scholars may be given partial support for attending local/overseas conferences. Support for airfare, subsistence allowance and registration fees given on a lump sum grant will be at the discretion of the School.
  • Students have to submit their application containing:
  • Applications needs to reach the School Chair at least 6 weeks before the commencement of conference, or at least 6 weeks before the date of registration/other fees to be paid (if applicable), whichever is earlier.
  • The Office of Finance will then process and inform student of the approval and terms of support accordingly.