Theses / Dissertations


​​To ensure that NTU maintains the highest standards of research integrity in our work, there is a need to ensure that publications of research done at NTU, including theses and dissertations, adhere to responsible reporting practices​. Such good reporting practices include, but are not limited to, proper authorship attribution and avoiding plagiarism. 

Research work done at the graduate level by Masters or PhD students is presented to supervisors and Schools in the form of theses / dissertations, which often form the basis for further development work both locally and globally. The usage of students' own previously published materials such as book chapters, articles, reports, letters, posters, etc. in their theses / dissertations is allowed*. The guidelines to differentiate between real plagiarism and duplication from student's own publications can be found in NTU's guideline titled "Further Guidance on anti-plagiarism checks ​on Masters and PhD Theses". ​Since the incorporation of the student's (own) prior works into theses or dissertations has become increasingly common and plagiarism is on the rise, ​all theses / dissertations ​​submitted by students must now include three statements that are to be acknowledged by students and supervisors, where applicable, prior to submission. This requirement is also reflected in the NTU's ​​ Research Integrity Policy for the Responsible Conduct of Research​​​​.

The following 3 statements are to be included in all theses and dissertations by students:  

  1. Statement of Originality: Certifies that work done and reported is the student's own and has not been previously submitted to another University or Institution. 

  2. Supervisor Declaration Statement​: Formerly provided as a separate insert to theses / dissertations, this statement is to now be included within the submission. 

  3. Authorsh​ip Attribution Statement​​: ​Details the contribution of each author to the study.

If the thesis or dissertation does not contain any published material, select option (A) reflected in the Authorship Attribution Statement. Such statements with nil entry must still be signed by students (Please refer to FAQs 2 to 4 below).  

Download: Thesis Declaration Statements (v4.0, updated 25 Jun 2021)

Note 1: Students and supervisors are advised to sign on the NTU watermark feature. This is to minimise the possibility of misuse of anyone’s signature.
Note 2: Certain Schools may have adapted the templates for specific disciplines. Students are advised to check with their School's office on the appropriate templates to use. ​​​ 
For queries regarding the above, please contact [email protected]

Note: Although the usage of student's own previously published materials in theses / dissertations is acceptable, it is the responsibility of the student to comply with the copyright transfer agreement / publication agreement and obtain written permission / confirmation from the journal/Editor, if applicable. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The sequence recommended by OAS is as follows:

i. Title Page
ii. Statement of Originality
iii. Supervisor Declaration Statement
iv. Authorship Attribution Statement
v. Acknowledgements
vi. Table of Contents
vii. Summary

The Authorship Attribution Statement must always be included in a thesis and the appropriate option (A) or (B) is to be selected.
Author contributions must be provided in the Authorship Attribution Statement once the manuscript has been accepted by the journal (accepted; in press). If the manuscript is in review phase, author attributions are not required.
Yes, author contributions must be detailed in the Authorship Attribution Statement in such cases
Co-supervisors need not sign off on this statement; only the main supervisor's signature will be required.
Statements can be signed in hardcopy and scanned for insertion into thesis. Or e-signatures can be added.
Yes, the format outlined in (1) applies to both softcopies and hardbound theses.
Yes, all submissions received on or after 1 Jan 2019 must include the declaration statements.

Students will continue to own the copyright for thesis deposited in DR-NTU, barring grant conditions or agreements with external parties. Please refer to Library's guidance here

If you are including your own published papers into your thesis, please ensure that you have the necessary copyrights from the publisher before doing so. Please refer to Library's guidance here.