The University Code of Conduct

​(Download the University Code of Conduct)


The University is committed to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct and strives to create an environment in which research, teaching and learning is accomplished with openness, honesty and respect.

The University Code of Conduct expresses our commitment to the ethical, professional and legal standards we use as the basis for our decisions and dealings inside and outside the University. Members of the University community are individually and collectively responsible for upholding this Code. To this end, members must be mindful of and comply with the University’s statutes, regulations, policies, standards and applicable laws that are in force from time to time.


The Code applies to the following perso​ns:

(1) Members of the University's Board of Trustees
(2) All staff including faculty, adjunct and visiting faculty members, researchers and management support staff
(3)  All students
(4) Individuals who are employed or engaged by the University, whether on a full-time, part-time or temporary basis, to act for or on behalf of the University
(5) Service providers such as vendors, contractors or any other parties performing services for the University

They are referred to in the Code as "members of the University community" or "community members." 

Approving authority: NTU Board of Trustees

Issued: April 2014 *

Revised: November 2020

*with approval of the University Cabinet



Members of the University community must at all times conduct themselves with integrity so that their dealings with others inside or outside the University are fair, honest and considerate of the interest and reputation of the University as well as of others.

Trust and Respect

Community members should treat each other, as well as persons outside the University community, fairly with trust and respect. The University provides an equal opportunity environment for all to learn and work. No one shall discriminate against any individual on the grounds of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or any other personal characteristics in accordance with Singapore law.

Access to Confidential and Proprietary Information

In the course of their work or engagement, community members may gain access to information that is classified as confidential or proprietary and intended for restricted circulation only. Community members should treat such information with due respect for its sensitivity or confidentiality in compliance with the relevant agreement, applicable law and the University’s policies and principles on the use, protection and disclosure of such information. Such policies and principles shall continue to apply even after the community member’s relationship with the University ends.  Confidential or proprietary information is not to be disclosed to any person or party without the prior approval of the relevant University authority and without first putting in place the confidentiality agreement, non-disclosure document and other safeguards which may be required by the University.


All members of the University community must avoid any conduct that may violate applicable anti-bribery, anti-corruption or embargo laws or regulations. No member of the University community shall, in the conduct of its official activities, pay, offer, promise or authorize the payment of, either directly or indirectly, anything of value (including but not limited to cash, gifts and entertainment) to (i) any government official or employee of any government or government agency; (ii) any employee of any corporation or entity; or (i) any political party, party official or political candidate.

Avoiding Conflict of Interest

Community members who are employees of the University owe their primary professional allegiance to the University. There may be occasions where they are approached by other organizations or in their personal capacities to provide consultancy or other services to such organizations. Such outside professional activities, which may involve personal financial interest or reap benefit from third parties, can cause an actual or perceived divergence between the University’s mission and an individual’s personal interest.

Community members who are employed or engaged by the University to act on its behalf must ensure that their personal interest or relationships are not in conflict or appear to conflict with that of the University. They must accordingly declare those interests, if any, in accordance the University statutes, regulations, policies and procedures.

Commitment to Excellence

Members of the University community must perform their duties in a professional, responsible and conscientious manner so that the University will continue to achieve excellent standards of quality in the intellectual and educational experience which it provides.

Compliance with Laws and University Statutes, Regulations and Policies

All members of the University community shall comply and should do all things necessary to ensure that the University complies with all applicable laws of Singapore while they are in Singapore and the laws of the host country while they are outside Singapore. Community members shall also observe and comply with all University statutes, regulations, policies and procedures.

Safeguard and Ensure Proper Use of Equipment and Resources

Members of the University must safeguard and ensure proper use of equipment and resources belonging to the University. They must not use such equipment or resources for personal gain. They shall use such equipment or resources responsibly and in accordance with the University’s safety and compliance guidelines.

Other Specific Codes of Conduct

While this Code generally describes the ethical, professional and legal standards that the University subscribes to, faculty, staff, researchers and students shall further observe the specific codes of conduct or policies which apply to them, including:

  • Faculty and Staff Code of Conduct
  • NTU Policy on Research Integrity and the Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Policy and Procedure for Managing Conflict of Interest
  • Student Code of Conduct 
  • Statute & Regulations
  • Policy on Gifts to Faculty and Staff 
  • Policy on Gift Acceptance, Gift Processing and Stewardship

Reporting Suspected Violations

All community members are obliged to live up to the standards set forth in this Code of Conduct. Community members have the responsibility of ensuring high standards of behaviour. Where suspected violations do arise, members of the University community are obliged to report them through appropriate channels which include escalating the suspected violations to their supervising manager or College Dean/School Chair/Department Head. Applicable channels are described in the respective handbooks. Community members may also make a report to the Ethics and Compliance Committee where appropriate, using the channels communicated in the  Whistle Blower Protection.