LKCMedicine EXCEL Research Seminars: Addressing complex challenges and latest in healthcare
Medical science is evolving very rapidly.
To be ahead of the curve and to address complex healthcare challenges, the School has launched a new seminar series — LKCMedicine EXCEL Research Seminar — featuring distinguished leaders in medical science for discussions, knowledge sharing and networking among researchers and scientists in LKCMedicine and beyond.
100 researchers and scientists attended the successful inaugural EXCEL Research Seminar on 10 May 2024. This first seminar was organised with the School’s Population and Global Health Research Programme. It commenced with opening remarks by LKCMedicine Dean Distinguished University Professor Joseph Sung, who is also NTU Senior Vice-President (Health & Life Sciences), and was hosted by LKCMedicine Professor John Chambers.
Inaugurating the series was the distinguished Professor Sir Aziz Sheikh OBE of the University of Edinburgh, who shared insights into the evolution of the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research and how it has transformed patient respiratory outcomes in the UK. Through uniting the UK applied research communities and collaborating with patients and cutting-edge industry innovators, the centre has moved closer to achieving its vision of “zero tolerance for asthma attacks.”
The audience participated actively during the seminar with questions on translation to policy, use of data, and patient and public involvement.
After the seminar, early career researchers had the unique opportunity to engage further with Prof Sir Aziz during an “Ask-Me-Anything” session. Prof Sir Aziz shared generously as attendees delved deeper into the topic of collaborative research, and sought guidance on career options, post-doctoral development and international research standards.
The EXCEL Research Seminar Series is organised by a team led by LKCMedicine Assistant Professor Lynn Yap, and includes representatives from Research Administration & Support Services, External Affairs, the National Healthcare Group and early career researchers.
More seminars are planned for 2024 and beyond. Each seminar will be organised and hosted by an LKCMedicine Research Programme.