7 August 2021
First Batch of Research Apprentice Program Students
Ice Breaking

On 7 August 2021, the EEE Research Apprentice Program (RAP) held its first inaugural virtual orientation. The RAP students introduced themselves before splitting up into their committees (Publicity, Events and Projects) for further ice breakers.
Led by each committee head, the three committees introduced their main responsibilities, as well as upcoming events. Projects focused on possible project ideas, while Events overviewed the upcoming activities and Publicity discussed the management plan for the upcoming RAP website and social media. Afterwards, the ice breaker games began. Games like ‘Draw & Guess’ and ‘Who Is The Spy?’ engaged the students and gave them an opportunity to know each other better through the delightful chats.
The RAP committee consists of a President, Vice-President and three sub-committees. President Tian Shulin and Vice-President Stanley Wong are responsible for organizing the daily RAP affairs and hosting RAP activities. The Projects committee, led by Tham Yong Hao, aims to produce consolidated research portfolios for RAP and manage joint research projects among NTU research labs. The Events committee, led by Teo Yu Han, is responsible for planning and organizing key activities such as bonding sessions and upcoming sharing sessions. The Publicity committee, led by Zhang Haoran, are to design the RAP logos, set up the RAP official website, operate RAP social media accounts and establish correspondence with other research institutions and alumni.
Engaging and memorable, this virtual orientation event for the RAP students and committees marked the integration of the very first batch of RAP.