WEE Chow Hou
Professor Wee was a former Merit, Colombo Plan, Commonwealth Scholar, winner of the Academy of Marketing Science (USA) 1984 PhD Paper Award, and the 1985 Doctoral Dissertation Award. One of his co-authored cases also won the 1999 Best Case Award in the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. He has over 330 publications in various international, regional, and local journals and proceedings; and is the author/senior author of several best-selling books. He is currently a member of the editorial board of Global Business and Organizational Excellence (USA). He has consulted/conducted executive training for over 320 major organizations in over 30 economies/countries, including Fortune 500 companies. He is best known for applying Sun Zi Bingfa and other Chinese classics to modern business strategies and practices. He regularly speaks at international conferences.
Professor Wee has been a board member of several boards of publicly listed companies in Singapore, including the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, and has been a member of various advisory boards locally and internationally. He is currently the President (Chairman of the Board of Directors) of Singapore Christian Home (a nursing home with IPC status) and a Board member and Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee of CASA Holdings Ltd.
He is also an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Strategy at the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).
- Applications of Chinese Classics into Modern Business Strategies and Practices.
- Doing Business in China.
- Marketing and Strategy-related topics.
- Currently chairs the Audit and Risk Committee of Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore; and President of Singapore Christian Home.
- Applications of Chinese Classics into Modern Business Strategies and Practices.
- Doing Business in China.
- Marketing and Strategy-related topics.
Chow-Hou Wee and Fred Combe. (2009). Business Journey to the East: An East-West Perspective on Global-is-Asian. McGraw-Hill.- Wee Chow Hou. (2007, May). Doing Business in China: Insights and Perspectives (One of four keynote addresses; the others were by Gary Hamel, Renee Mauborgne and Richard Boyatzis). Paper presented at Megakonferencja Get Inspired! 2007 Formularz Zgloszeniowy, 23 May 2007, Warsaw, Poland.
- Wee Chow Hou. (2005). Sun Zi Bingfa: Selected Insights and Applications to Business. Prentice-Hall.
- Wee Chow Hou. (2003). Sun Zi Art of War: An Illustrated Translation with Asian Perspectives and Insights. Prentice-Hall, Pearson Education.
- Wee Chow Hou, S. J. Tan, K. H. Cheok. (1995). Non-Price Determinants of Intention to Purchase Counterfeit Goods: An Exploratory Study. International Marketing Review, 12(6), 19-46.