
Hee Wai Siam (2021). “The Lure of Diaspora: Diaspora Discourse, Accented Style, and Sinophone Malaysian Culture,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. 33.2: 205-257.

Hee Wai Siam (2020). “Queer Latent Images, Post-Loyalism and the Cold War: The Case of an Early Sinophone Star, Bai Yun,” Cultural Critique.108: 94-124.

Hee Wai Siam (2015). 〈高行健早期的小说艺术理论与实践:以《现代小说技巧初探》为中心〉( Gao Xingjian’s Early Theory and Practice of the Art of Fiction: A Focus on A Preliminary Examination of Modern Fictional Techniques )。《师大学报(语言与文学类) Journal of National Taiwan Normal University. 60.2:29-55.

Sim Wai Chew and Yow Cheun Hoe (eds.), Singapore Comparative Literature Compendium. London: Balestier Academic, 2021.

华学与学  (Hong Kong Literature), No. 430 (October 2020), pp. 4-13.

华学场论络结构聪传与络与国论集  ( Heritage and Dissemination: Essays on Global Context and Chinese Culture) (Taipei: Showe Information Co., Ltd, 2020), pp. 99-114.

Singapore Comparative Literature Database (with accompanying workshop and compendium), Singapore MOE AcRE Tier 1, 2017-2021. PI: Sim Wai Chew, Co-PI: Yow Cheun Hoe

HC1001 文学与文化导论 

HC2014 华文剧场与表演 

HC2040 理解中国

HC2061 新马华文文学

HC3014 中台港电影的文化研究

HC3015 现代中国的城市文化

HC3018 后人类主义:华文文学、电影与文化

HC3043 古今生态思想与哲学

HC4013 中国文学与性别研究

HC5010 动物与中华文化

HC7014 华语电影文化研究