SSS@NTU Undergraduate Education

Our School’s holistic and rigorous education aims to equip our students with a strong foundation of knowledge and analytical and critical skills to enable them for their future careers. In addition, they can expand their learning horizons through internships and exchange experiences in Singapore and overseas. Our distinguished faculty, who hail from some of the best universities in the world, support our students in their learning journey. Apart from being dedicated educators, they actively engage in progressive research in their respective fields.

Academic Programmes


Public Policy and Global Affairs



Integrated Interdisciplinary Programmes

Economics and Data Science

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Undergraduate Programmes

Undergraduate Admissions

Curriculum Information

Double Majors

Global Education


SSS Prospectus

Student Wellbeing

SSS places utmost importance on the wellbeing of its students. In this regard, SSS has a Student Care Office which serves as a first point of contact for students facing personal or academic challenges to seek assistance, care and guidance. The challenges can range from financial hardship and issues concerning relationships, family, housing, adjustment to academic difficulties (such as loss of motivation and feeling ‘stuck’, not sure what to do or having to take leave of absence, etc.). 

Do refer to NTU Wellbeing website or get in touch with Ms Kayathri ([email protected]) for more information.