Alumni Association

Dion LO Zhen Yu

PresidentBachelor of Arts (Hons) in Psychology
YONG Kai NengDeputy PresidentBachelor of Arts (Hons) in PPGA
LEE Heng Bin GabrielSecretaryBachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sociology
TEH Kai Feng
TreasurerBachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sociology
ZHU JiahuaVice-President (Economics)



 AvailableVice-President (Psychology) 
 AvailableVice-President (Sociology) 
 AvailableVice-President (PPGA) 
CHEAH Kuan Yuen Vice-President (Post Grad)MSc of Applied Gerontology

The NTU SSS Alumni Association was officially set up on 1 April 2018 and officially launched on 24 November 2018. All NTU SSS Alumni Association Executive Committee members will contribute to School of Social Sciences as dictated by the following objectives:


(1)    to provide a means of communication and establish rapport between the Association, the School of Social Sciences, the Social Sciences Club, the NTU Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) and the University;

(2)   to organise educational, social, cultural, sporting, and civic activities for members;

(3)   to create opportunities for interaction within members, between members and undergraduates, as well as between members and those within and beyond NTU;

(4)   to promote the image and contribute to the continuous advancement and development of the University; and

(5)   to serve as a body for members in the promotion and advancement of education, knowledge, life-long learning and sense of belonging.


Follow SSS Alumni Association's social media for more updates and events!


Composition of Alumni Association

Graduates and postgraduates who have completed their education from NTU SSS qualify as ordinary members of the Association. All members of the Association shall be eligible to participate in the activities of the Association, to stand for election for EC, and to speak and vote at meetings of the Association. All members of the Association shall abide by the Terms of References and all rules made by the Association.

Duration of Appointment

The EC Members shall be elected at the NTU SSS organised election meeting and shall serve for a term of two years. Committee Members can be re-elected to the same post for another term, with the exception of the Treasurer. The term of office of the EC is two years. EC members will be elected after 2 years during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) through voting by members of the SSS Alumni Association which is normally scheduled in March, the last month of the financial year of the SSS Alumni Association.

The Executive Committee (EC)

The EC members shall consist of the following:

1. The President;

2. The Deputy President;

3. The Secretary;

4. The Treasurer; and

5. The Vice-Presidents from each of the different divisions within the School of Social Sciences; i.e. Economics, Psychology, Public Policy and Global Affairs and Sociology

Duties and Responsibilities of Members of the Executive Committee

The President shall:

1. Preside over all General and EC Meetings;

2. Represent the Alumni members in its dealings with external parties;

3. Have the right to call for meetings;

4. Have a casting vote at General and EC Meetings.

The Deputy President shall assist the President and deputise for him/her in his/her absence.


The Secretary shall:

1. Be responsible for convening all General and EC Meetings;

2. Keep minutes of General and EC Meetings;

3. Take charge of all records of the Association except financial records, ensuring their accuracy;

4. Facilitate and monitor the Association’s correspondence through print, auditory and authorised social media platforms;

5. Submit any matter for discussion received from members of the Association at the EC meetings


The Treasurer shall:

1. Handle all funds, collections and disbursements of all monies with signed acknowledgement by the President or the Deputy President;

2. Meticulously record all monetary transactions, ensuring their accuracy;

3. Retain in his/her hand current expenses; i.e. a sum of money not exceeding S$200 in cash and to deposit the excess into a bank account to be named by the EC;

4. Make all payments on behalf of the Association and all such payments exceeding the sum of S$200 shall be made by cheque drawn with the name of the payee;

5. Sign all cheques issued for withdrawals from the bank with signed acknowledgement by the President or the Deputy President;

6. Make financial reports at regular intervals as per the EC’s requests;

7. Present the Association’s statement of accounts for the preceding year at the Annual General Meeting (if required).


The Vice-President representing the various divisions of the SSS shall:

1. Act as the main liaison between the Association and the division he/she represents;

2. Organise events and activities for the Association and for the division he/she represents;

3. Take up roles and responsibilities as the EC may, from time to time, prescribe.

Finance and Audit

The financial year of the Association shall begin on 1st April and end on 31st March of the following year. The accounts of the Association reviewed and checked at the close of the financial year by dedicated staff from SSS.