TV Journalism and Translation

MTI - 2024-03-30
30 Mar 2024 01.00 PM - 04.00 PM Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public
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This seminar will share the uniqueness of TV scripting and analyze the specific characteristics of News scripting.  It will also delve into the intricate world of translation, with a specific focus on localization of Chinese translation, standardization of translation, principles of translation and the challenges involved in the process.  The seminar also aims to shed some light on how TV News can be tailored to resonate with viewers in the current environment.

Yong Tai is the Chief Editor of the Chinese News Division at Mediacorp. He oversees the daily production of all the news bulletins on Channels 8 and U.  As the lead, Yong Tai is responsible for the department’s editorial, administration, manpower, finances, training and development.

In his 29 years in the media industry, Yong Tai has been involved in reporting, scriptwriting, production, as well as planning, coordinating and generating stories for large-scale news coverage, like the Singapore General Elections, Singapore Presidential Elections, outdoor broadcast shows, Olympics Games, SEA Games, Malaysia General Elections and APEC.

Yong Tai is both a member of National Translation Committee (NTC) and the Chinese Resource Panel under NTC.  He also sits in the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning.