新加坡华文教育现况及国际汉语教学分享 Chinese Language Education in Singapore and International Chinese Language Teaching Sharing

In this presentation, I will begin by exploring the landscape of Chinese teaching and learning in Singapore. This exploration encompasses a variety of educational settings, including government-funded schools, private learning centres, international schools, and universities. In the second part of my talk, I will share insights gathered fron interviews with seven frontline educators from these diverse teaching contexts. These educators will provide a glimpse into their teaching experiences and offer valuable advice on preparing CVs, handling job interviews, and conducting teaching demonstrations, all aimed at guiding the next generation of aspiring teachers.
Speaker: 붕貴줬 꺽却 Dr. He Xiaoling
Senior Lecturer; Chinese course coordinator
Centre for Modern Languages
School of Humanities, NTU
贺晓玲博士,南洋理工大学现代语言中心高级讲师,中文语言教学科统筹负责人。曾在中国大陆、香港和新加坡从事国际汉语教学(对外汉语教学)二十余年。主要从事国际汉语教学和国际汉语教学师资培训。2006-2008年曾任香港理大大学双语学系首届“对外汉语硕士研究生”统筹人及主要师资成员。2010年至今任教于南洋理工大学现代语言中心,任中文语言科负责人。研究领域包括中文作为外语及第二语言的习得研究,汉语语法研究。在中国及海外术期刊上发表论文多篇,在知名出版社John Benjamins Publishing Company 出版专著一本。成功申请并主持MOE Tier 1;MOE TRF;NTU Edex 近十项研究基金。