Gods, Computers, Talismans and Thinking with Machines - A roundtable on religion, technology, consciousness, personhood across time and culture

01 Nov 2023 04.00 PM - 06.00 PM Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public
Organised by:
Christopher Trigg

Could an artificial intelligence develop a conscience? Could human consciousness be uploaded to the cloud? Do animals, or even objects, have souls? Can machines pray?

Join experts in religion from a wide variety of disciplines (sociology, history, international relations, psychology, literary studies, medical humanities, and Buddhist studies) for a roundtable discussion of questions relating to personhood, consciousness, spirituality, technology, and the human/non-human divide.


  • Michael Stanley Baker (NTU School of Humanities)
  • Paul Hedges (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies)
  • Rhema Hokama (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
  • Ian McGonigle (NTU School of Social Sciences)
  • Lee Boon Ooi (National Institute of Education)
  • Lee Foong Ming (Buddhist College of Singapore)
  • Park Hyung Wook (NTU School of Humanities)


Moderator: Christopher Trigg (NTU School of Humanities)

Refreshments provided

Hosted by the Religion, Society, and Trust research cluster