Launch: Inaugural Issue of Nanyang Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture

We are pleased to share that Inaugural Issue of Nanyang Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (NJCLC, 南洋中华文学与文化学报), a bilingual journal in Chinese and English that publishes in-depth and original scholarship of Chinese literature and culture, has been published in both print and digital.
Video launch announcement and exhibition of the NJCLC Inaugural Issue;
Speeches by our advisory board chairs, Prof Yuan Xingpei袁行霈 (Senior Professor at Peking University, President of Central Research Institute of Culture and History under the State Council of China, Dean of Institute of Chinese Studies of Peking University) and Prof Stephen Owen (James Bryant Conant University Professor, Emeritus at Harvard University);
Speech by Ms Lien Siaou-Sze, Vice President, NTU Singapore and Representative from Lien family;
Speech by Chair Prof Neil Murphy, Chair of School of Humanities, NTU Singapore;
Speech by Assoc Prof Yow Cheun Hoe, Director of Centre for Chinese Language and Culture, Head of Chinese, School of Humanities, NTU Singapore;
Virtual Ribbon-cutting Ceremony followed by a group take-photo;
Roundtable entitled “The East-West Dialogue and Exchange of Chinese Literature and Culture in the New Era: Direction of NJCLC Development” chaired by Editors-in-Chief Prof Xiaofei Tian, Harvard University and Prof He Guimei, Peking University;
Concluding remarks of acknowledgments by Editor-in-Chief Assoc Prof Qu Jingyi, School of Humanities, NTU Singapore.
The roundtable will discuss how Western academics focus on the Chinese academic field and the dialogue between Chinese and Western scholars. This session will be conducted in both Chinese and English. More than 30 scholars all over the world will be attending.
The speakers include: Prof Fu Gang 傅刚, Peking University; Prof Ronald Egan, Stanford University; Prof Lu Zongli 吕宗力, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Prof Michael Puett, Harvard University; Prof Zhang Jian 张健, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Prof Paul Goldin, University of Pennsylvania; Prof Wu Xiaodong 吴晓东, Peking University; Prof Akihiro Michisaka 道坂 昭廣, Kyoto University; Prof Jack Chen, University of Virginia; Prof Anthony DeBlasi, University at Albany, State University of New York; Prof Paize Keulemans, Princeton University.
The attendees include: Prof William H. Nienhauser, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Tsai, Yu 蔡瑜, National Taiwan University; Prof Chen Yinchi 陈引驰, Fudan University; Prof Hans van Ess, University of Munich; Prof Chen Zhi 陈致, Hong Kong Baptist University; Prof Matthias L. Richter, University of Colorado Boulder; Assoc Prof Sun Jui-Lung 苏瑞隆, National University of Singapore; Assoc Prof Yan Shoucheng 严寿澂, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; as well as 9 editorial board members of NJCLC.