Published on 18 Nov 2021

Beating drug-resistant bacteria

NTU scientists are developing novel methods to combat drug-resistant bacteria.

More bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics, making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of diseases spreading. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), antibiotic resistance is now one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.

From nanoparticles that kill bacteria by forming holes in them to new drugs that enhance the effectiveness of treatments of diseases that do not respond to antibiotics, NTU researchers are developing novel methods and understanding naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides to combat drug-resistant bacteria. Such ground-breaking research also supports the NTU2025 vision which aims to respond to the needs and challenges of healthy living and ageing, as part of the University’s attempt to address humanity’s grand challenges. 

Click on the infographic below to find out more about their efforts.