NIE staff publish a journal article in the International Journal of Education Policy & Leadership journal
Dr Chua Puay Huat, Senior Teaching Fellow at the Office of Education Research (OER), Dr Goh Sao-Ee, Senior Teaching Fellow at the Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC) and Academic Head (Strategic Education Research Planning), Miss Ong Woei Ling Monica, Teaching Fellow at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP), Miss Lorraine Ow, Unit Head of Knowledge Mobilisation (KMb) and Co-Lead of the Research Practice Policy Group (RPPG), Dr Chiam Ching Leen (former staff), Miss Lim May Ching Monica, Senior Research Assistant at the Learning Sciences and Assessment Academic Group (LSA AG), wrote a journal article titled “What Makes Education Research Impactful – Case Studies of Research Projects in Singapore” in the International Journal of Education Policy & Leadership journal. The article aims to address the gap in understanding the impact arising from education research, researcher collaborations with stakeholders, and knowledge mobilization activities in Singapore through eight cases of local research projects. The findings and emerging questions from the study contribute to the growing body of scholarship to help researchers and stakeholders strengthen the research-practice-policy nexus.