Dr. Lim Yu Jie received the Digital GreenTalents Award 2024
Dr. Lim Yu Jie received the Digital GreenTalents Award 2024 from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Dr. Lim Yu Jie (now NEWRI research fellow) graduated in January 2023 from the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme of Graduate College at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Most of the first-author publications that were submitted for this award were completed during his PhD study in NTU. His PhD thesis, titled 'Fabrication of High-Performance Thin-Film Composite and Nanochannel-Enabled Next-Generation Membranes for Water Desalination,' was conducted under the supervision of Professor Wang Rong at the Singapore Membrane Technology Centre (SMTC) at the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), NTU.
Ever since its inception in 2009, the Green Talents Award honors young researchers (Masters/PhD) for their achievements and their efforts to make their communities, their countries and their societies more sustainable. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) hosts the prestigious "Digital GreenTalents – High Potentials in Sustainable Development" Award 2024 to promote the international exchange of innovative green ideas in the field of digitalization and sustainability.
* BMBF: ‘Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung’ (English version: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research).
Dr. Lim Yu Jie receiving the award from Dr. Rainer Müssner of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The award was formally presented to Yu Jie at the Digital GreenTech Conference in Berlin, Germany (November 2024). Photo/Credit: Maja Denisova, German Informatics Society.